Schlagwort-Archive: debt (dead) race

Some A-s are rolling

Now some of the too many A-s ar egone. At least for Austria, France, But imagine not for Germany.

Not that France and Austria do not deserve loosing this top-rating, but Germany had has to loose it also.

And just taking away one A is way too less. The US has increased it’s debts over 70 %. If you look into „This time is different“ another 17% are lurking.
In that book they figured out bank crisis led to 87% more debt on average. Well the question of course is why do they not simply let the banks fall.

Now in the eyes of the deledefs this is a very bad idea. Because banks are holding and distributing bonds of states. And so they are „very“ interested in banks which
can pick up one and/or the other billion of banks of now comes the madness, bankrupt states. And this they are all. Be it Germany, France, Greece, Italy, Portugal, China, Japan, the US.
They all have one in common they are broke.

Of course they will no admit it and you can bet it’s not the responsibility of the deledefs. Well that’s another big lie. But I guess I don’t have to tell you.

What can you do about it ? Well you still can vote, so vote wisely. All the candidates will go on with this debt spiral, but Ron Paul. If anyone will cut into the government game of thinking money I think
Ron Paul is it. Obama still does not have learned anything, and so haven’t all his advisors. We do not speak about the criminal organization for the money monopoly euphemistic named Fed. Of course no-one can hinder them
printing money, but doing so is stealing from those having saved money. Every other organization stealing is „criminal“ and I don’t make a difference here. The wrong-doing of the FED is criminal. But I think you know
that I see central banks as the „central“ problem. All this debts could not get that large with money as value instead of money as debt. The paper money make it easy for FED and government to
steal. Again the only one wanting to end the fed is Ron Paul.

Another thing you should consider according to von Mises the bust is the cure and the boom the disease. So trying to prolong the boom, means prolonging the disease. It’s not too less debt that is the problem. It’s a system which
just works and bredes debt. It seems they deledefs think there is a base human right for government to make debts. No it is not. It’s just stealing. There is not other word for it. States can not produce they can’t do anything to raise the
wealth of countries. The can drive countries bankrupt that’s what they surely can. Just see above. The only think states can do to not decrease wealth is going out of the way. And just watching over property rights and contracts. But states do
go beyond that they make laws that limit liabilities. So BP does not have to pay for all the destruction which it has brought over all in the Gulf while they were unable to stop the oil leakage. All this is against property rights, but they do not name it such.

Another thing you can do is: „Do not give any more credit to any governmental institution“ It still is your money and you do not have to lend it to defrauders. So don’t do it please.“ Let them fall for their own faults. That’s „just“.

After all this years.

The same simple questions, I asked 3 or more years ago remain unanswered.

How can even more cheap credit solve a problem which was caused by too much credit?

Now 3 years later and 4 000 000 000 000 later, the question still remains unanswered? How could it ever get better with even more „debt“?

dead reace (was debt race)

Well I hardly could believe that:

It’s about the not covered expenses in the different states.
Now I was thinkin California was „bad“. Well it is but there are worse states. Nevada has a deficit of 45.x % that means for every dollar they spend they have to
get a credit from 45 ct. This is impossible to bear for anyone… But togehter the picute is even more dire. More than half of the states have a deficit beyond 10%.

10% deficit means withing 7 years you double your debts. This is unbearable. And so one has to conclude. The US is broken. They are acting as „super power“ but well if the
machines all destroyed in war. They can not even buy them anew.

Those having read this blog know what I think of debt. Debt is evil and it’s even worse for governments because they take everyone of us as hostages. Even if the Land is bankrupt, the bureaucrats will find a way to suck up everything they can get from their „citizens“. All in the name that the „state“ does know better. Well there lies, statistics and deledefs speak. You just have to keep in mind double-speak is „politicians“ land. The name it political-correct or whatever but it means they lie, and lie again and if that does not work they put out their guns and ask „kindly“ for you money. Well there’s still one more efficient things taxes. And so they name their thefts „tax“ and taxes are „ok“ and because they are ok they can get it by whatever means they find.