mate configuration (just if anyone might be interested)

Well suck it up, but I wasted a few hours trying to find a way to change the background of my desktop. KDE used to work, but after the last update it stopped working.

Now there are suggestions what to make:,


but no in Debian, in Debian one has to use:


# Set your folder with the backgrounds

while true
 pic=$(ls $bgfolder/*.jpg | shuf -n1)
 gsettings set org.mate.background picture-filename $pic
 sleep 3m

gsettings is the magic incarnation. At least now it changes here every 3 minutes. I guess I would have to waste more time on figuring out how to get different pictures on 2 screens:

Now because I hated it so much during my study times,-  now I drive you mad also with it: “The rest is left as an exercise for you”…

Gross -stuff, how we spend hours figuring out things. Must be a programmers problem 😉

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