Schlagwort-Archive: gold as currency

Order of changes

Well in my opinion there is an order of imporance for our money system.

The base is the fiat-money has to go. Nothing else will help the honest. All fiat-money systems are systems of defraud.

The holders of the „money“ are states in the form of central banks. So it’s clear central banks have no use in a 100 % gold backed currency. In fact central banks
are those which manipulate the amount of money to their liking without anything but their will. And with the monopoly of force behind them. No one would accept written paper to be money
if he does not know his counterpart and if he would not be coninced one could something for the offered money. The precious metals (especially gold) have their advantage, it’s
wanted world-wide and there is not country where gold is not precious. So everyone know Gold delivers.

So I’d propose the following order.
1) the new gold currency is just the weight of gold for prac tical use it might be a good idea to have coins of special weigh (g an kg are all we need for it, but even ounces would do)
2) the central banks can be kept during the introduction of gold as currency. There only duty is to fetch the gold let it coin an release it. The gold of the central banks is owned by everyone and so it could be the base for the money states have to use to pay their bills.
3) after that the central banks are closed down.

That’s all. Everyone will tell us that is impossible to do, because of the sheer amount of free-floating paper (otherwise known as money). But we can find every quotient to make the amount of gold fit the currency in circuclation. it can‘ t be a problem do define one dollar worth 0.000001 g if that is what is needed. We roughly know the current amount of money and at least the central banks should know how much money they really printed.

Even Greenspan has has his light moments before he took the chair of the Fed. to that time he was exactly right. Why he lost it on the chair? Who knows.

Even if it may be difficult, it can get solved now or it will get solved in the future. Currently I’d think there is some kind of control possible, I doubt this will be true later. If the currencies and economies break down it’s usual „fight“ time. And as much as I hope it can workout without violance, I’m sure it will be violence….

fraus maximo

Now that’s a new height in fraud. The central bank are printing money as mad. Instead of letting a unsustainable system die. They inflate
the money bubble again. And guess what, now the equity holders are roughly 5% richer? Really?

We can assume that while having a growth of let’s day 2% in Germany a year makes up for roughly 0.0054 % growth a day. I know it’s „artificial“ but
let us assume the win would grow a much. Than what about the other 4.9984 or so % ? It’s nothing there, so if the production would not change a bit
and all could sell for the higher price. Then what would be the result? Well the product costs would rais the 4.9x % on average. Now are you richer?
No just those selling first may get quite a bit more of the production, the later would not get more but less AND pay more.

On the other hand was but one problem solved? No, nothing was solved, the debts are still the same, the debts are still as high. But see the example above.
They would be less worth in a few months. So now you see the „deal“. It’s making the debtors „happy“ and stealing from everyone else. Is that stupid? No it’s a fraud driven to the max

Again the only right conclusion can be, end the central banks.

That is interesting

gold/silver as curency

However one never should forget the perfidious politicians. After Bretton Woods private ownership of Gold was forbidden.
Who will gurantee that this won’t happen again if Utah may get drown in this curios little green bucks….

I asked the north-african people for exactly the same. Do all you can to get money with value. Don’t follow us stupid Europeans or whomever you think of. Fiat-money value
is „0“ by definition. It’s the believe that this money has some worth. See the price raises in the last few months, they show that „money deevaluateion“ is a question of quantity. There are too many
colorful sheets of paper for „real“ values. So the price must raise, it’s inevitable.