Now that’s a new height in fraud. The central bank are printing money as mad. Instead of letting a unsustainable system die. They inflate
the money bubble again. And guess what, now the equity holders are roughly 5% richer? Really?
We can assume that while having a growth of let’s day 2% in Germany a year makes up for roughly 0.0054 % growth a day. I know it’s “artificial” but
let us assume the win would grow a much. Than what about the other 4.9984 or so % ? It’s nothing there, so if the production would not change a bit
and all could sell for the higher price. Then what would be the result? Well the product costs would rais the 4.9x % on average. Now are you richer?
No just those selling first may get quite a bit more of the production, the later would not get more but less AND pay more.
On the other hand was but one problem solved? No, nothing was solved, the debts are still the same, the debts are still as high. But see the example above.
They would be less worth in a few months. So now you see the “deal”. It’s making the debtors “happy” and stealing from everyone else. Is that stupid? No it’s a fraud driven to the max
Again the only right conclusion can be, end the central banks.