Schlagwort-Archive: government
Also true in Germany
I don’t think that I am there yet
True words for eternity
„Every American citizen has a moral and spiritual obligation to see that no neighbor, no person, child or adult, suffers for the lack of necessities while he has the slightest surplus in his own name. But neither does man have the right to use government and the law, in the name of charity, to force the unwilling to do that which he would not do if the choice were his.“
That’s all there should be, and we all know it’s not what is.
Too true to feel comfortable
#words #true for a long long time
“But remember every cent you give to the governements (for their bonds) are another nail to your coffin. You support ever expanding governement and burocratic action.â€
Don’t buy #government #debts
Mein Ding
Gefunden auf Diaspora – wo genau weiß ich nicht mehr
Well well well
I have written:
„So to make end this message. I do think Trump will win with around 55/45 % with a more than 60 % likeliness. So I think Trump will win. I have a bad idea about the goodness for the world of that but I don’t think Hillary would be just a bit better. The choice is in the end none, no one is better then the other and they both are worse for the US and world. So would you rather suffer toothache of headache? Of would you prefer to die by getting shot or getting hanged. Some choices are no choices at all and that is my opinion about them both. None of them is a good candidate …“
See http://fdominicus.freecapitalists.org/2016/07/25/important/
Short comment on this: Hit – sunk
Now something else „post truth“ are the words of the year of the (satirical) Good-doers, there opinion is that is describes the behavior of the voters in the vote for BREXIT and Trump. So yes indeed, all those which have done anything and have not shied away from aggressively attack Trump on every and each occasion. From people who have given Obama the peace noble price – for- a president who was during all his president ship attached to wars (well they do not name it a bit different – but war is war, and the war of the USA in the near east were and are not just).
How much did we (the Austrians) have warned to not got down that street. To no good. USA form the way of a land in which the single men was granted an exceptional position against government to a totally corrupted country just driven by the government. From a state which should have as less as possible might to an all-mighty state with spying on every one and „establishments“ like Guantanamo. A list of men to be killed just on the behalf of the president and his gang.
A- country in mass hysterie against anything which limits the power of government. And they choose „post truth“. It’s a totally hitting word for themselves and they do not even realize that. Now if that isn’t ironic – what else?
That is the problem
Governments have grown too large, they are way too invasive and meanwhile they do not stand for rights any more but laws. And this laws are just build for them to last…
I like the short version and headline
much more then this „government“ – well lady- seems to be to honorouble.
But here we go:
The short from Acting Man (http://www.acting-man.com/?p=31942) is:
“We’re the good guys who tell the truth, and Russians are liars.Forget Iraq … that’s ancient history. Just- trust- us.â€
The day I trust government is the day hell freezes over, and if it will take eternity to get there…
Well look back over this blog
I warned you over an over again. The Austrians warned before the world war two. But it happens over and over again states are paradises for thieves, but it just gets along some time. And you will loose eventually. Nothing will change that now it’s Argentina again:http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2014-02-09/heres-what-it-looks-when-your-countrys-economy-collapses
It’s as usual. The government promises can’t be kept. There is not enough of anything to fullfill this lies. And as you can see before there is an extreme expanson of government spending. Which of course is just driven be debts. The endless blog entries on Zerohedge are „im“(de)pressing
http://www.zerohedge.com/search/apachesolr_search/ type in Argentina
I warned you in 2011 what will come along and it’s starting. Not in the US or EU (currently) but the states farther down the path to destruction. See what I warned you for and what I propose to do about it for yourself. I needed 5 years to get all the things properly „set-up“. I hope it was enough, and I hope also I will get out of here before the next war comes….
It’s as if I had wrote it
but better. http://takimag.com/article/triumph_of_the_mediocre_theodore_dalrymple
It comes down for me to:
„The mediocre triumph because, having little or nothing else to do, they can devote themselves to intrigue, backstabbing, and jockeying for power. “
That’s what I think about soldiers, bueraucrats and politicians. I’m not even sure about it’s mediocre part, but intrigue, backstabbing and the like. I simply call it dishonesty. I found that over and over again and very well laid out in The 48 laws of power.
And now my biggest problem with it. I do not want to live that way (and I think I’m not). I do not want to get ruled and I do not want to rule. Ruling is for cowards (IMHO), they just let others die for them, that’s the simple rule of ruling. Oh there are some brutes ammong them, but most would never even dare to day they let do others their killing (literally). How many members of congress have gone to war. The real one where one can die in an instant? How many presidents have died in war? Hardly anyone, just look the last world ware. How did they die? The killed themselved, burned themselves and the like. Any immediate threat thrown an enemy? Well hardly, some have tried to kill Hitler, but unfortunatly failed.
But look around today. Whose dying? Hardly the old mens, which have decided to go to war. Be it against terrorism, or whatever… Young stupids they could convince that they are doing something great for their country. but in the end it’s this ruthlessness and backstabbing mentioned above.
We are much poorer world because of „politicians“….
Full hit
at least in my eyes:
I do think that police is fighting against one’s own population while (just) enforcing laws, just the politicans want. Why is it so hard to understand that theft is a crime and there is not difference between theft and taxe or other forced payments. How comes that a government can limit everyone’s life to their liking? Where’s the right in using violence against those who do not want the state?
For me government is part of the problem, not part of the solution. But still people do really think government over all and everyone would be a good thing. I don’t know how that comes…. Government means violence, even if the do enforce it against men who do nothing wrong but not following the „law“. It’s not to understand why you can get all kind of drugs but that having „harsher“ drugs could be a crime. Whose rights are violated if you consume them. And it’s not the business of the state to delcare what kind of living is within some artificial „right“, and there is absolutly not way to pacify taxes and right. There is not right also to have payements for uemployment, retirement etc. On the other hand people do not have a right to get paid while not working or being retired. They have to save their money for their after-work-life.
And to save means, that no one has the right to inflate the money people used for keeping their savings, and so central banks never can be right but they onlly can be established by „laws“ backed by pure violence from the government. And so we come back to policemen, they are not for „rights“ but „laws“ and so everyone could happily kill within his duty to the state. Strange enougn the processes of Nürnberg to have judged oterhwise. So tell me how many measure of rights to exist? How can it be that killing from a Nazi soldier was treated as crime but a killing from a cop in the USA is obeying the law and a service to the public?
Control? What control?
Ah well now it seems to get catastrophic.
The Greeks vote again. And Europe may come to an end. At least the Euro Europe. In Germany the system press, paints a picture black in black. According to the comments
the Euro is a showpiece of a project that brough us Peace, Wealth, Rightness. Sorry I’ve to stand up and run to the toilett.
Here I am back. The Euro was not wanted from most of the Germans, it was warned to introduce a common money without a common social and economic base. The idea obviously was
with the money comes „sanity“. Well that so stupid that it hurts
Hardly never in history sanity was really high on the list. Just see the wars, just see the biggest crime the introduction of central banks and fiat-money. The wars since 100 years could not have been fought with „sound“ money. But with Fiat-money printing is not even to be mentioned. Just print and fine you are. Well now the wars are the biggest destroyers of wealth. but I guess they will go on telling us it’s for a higher good.
Never before in peace times, the debts were that sky high. And this what we get from welfare states. It’s an Oxymoron, the only things states can do is destroying. They can not build they just bring misery over anyone living in them. The states start small and protection of the individual is first high on the list. but now see what our states are, defrauding systems. And the destroyers of civil rights try to get rid of as much responsibility as they can. I’m not sorry, you politicians simply and plain suck.
And now they are starting to sucking us out really. And down we go the path of poverty. …
Oh yeah
That’s an awful message:
You can not produce where you want any longer? Or how else does one has to understand it.
Well one can see it the US is deledefs land of plenty….
Maybe it’s just an example on the how bad subsedie really are. I’m not sure, I can not see why the government should sink money in Boeing. But if they did and
Boeing just tooks the money well then I can understand the troubles. But it would be easy to fix. Just ask Boeing to pay back the subsedies….
However one might see it. It’s big business and big government and both usually are catastrophes in itself. Put them together and it’s fourth as worse…
A few calculations II
„This time for the debt growth rate in Germany. I cite :
„Als Zahl:! Die deutsche Statsverschuldung hat sich seit 1990 damit vervierfacht, von “
translation the overall debt id 2 080 000 000 000. Well that is high but more impressing
we have four times the debts from just 21 years ago.
If we’d have in 21 year each year an expansion of 3.5% extra debts we just would have doubled our debts. So in fact
the debts have risen around nearly 7%. And that is „more than“ ugly.
And that are „official“ numbers. Not included are the to be expected pension payments for public servants. Because this is unique just to states. They do not have to pay into
some sort of pension funds. And so all the forthcoming pensions have to be paid from the current budget.
Even if the interest rates are on historical lows in nearly any developed country such kind of debt growth is „unbearable“. If we calculate with an average of 2.5% BIP growth. The economy has grown
at around 51 % but the debts have risen nearly 200%. So there is a gap and this gap will get larger and larger and the the day comes when this gap will be too big to be filled. The question is just when not
„if“ any longer….