Schlagwort-Archive: prices

One of those days

where neithe the sun warms nor the wind cools. It’s one of thos days grey-in-grey my photo cells on the roof deliver energy just enough energy for one 40 W bulb. In best times I can get over 5000 W an hour which surely is enough for all our needs. Anyway not today.

Now how provides my energy today. In honest I’ve change some 3 or so years ago to an energy suppliert not using coal or nuclear power. Thanks to markets I had have and still have this chance. So today my energy comes as usually from water. But to a large extend this is not what the „normal“ users will get. They will get their energy from coal/gas/oil/nucelar power plants. Howerver you see all the photo cells are useless today all the wind engines are „superfluoous“ today so in fact two times the needs of the people are installed. One time with „renewable“ energies and the other times with conventional plants. Well that means also that we have at least double the costs for a reliable energy supply. So in fact today is exactly a day where not even tons of money would help with energy production from renewable sources. Bad for all the users that they still have to pay all the prices be it from the renewable energies and „conventional“ energies.

However more interesting, there was a gold rush time for suppliers of photo cells. (maybe around 2007/2008) and this was due to what? Well just one word subsidies. I know first hand because In 2008 I bought my photo cells and for now 20 years the following price is guaranteed: 46,75 €/KWH. that’s nearly four times the price for a standard KWH. Who has to pay, well the other inhabitants of Germany not lucky enough having their own roof full of cells.

Am I regretting this buy. Not at all, I named it to that time self-defense. And that is as I see it still. I’m not one of those paying the bills of bureaucrats and deledefs without trying to avoid them. Yes I know I harm others but this is government induced. I would not have bought the cells just for my own pleasure. They were much too expensive to really be competitive. They just get competitive through one of the greatest thefts in history. Introduced and bared from all this f….. deledefs. There is not exception to this stupidity any longer in Germany.

However it’s getting worse. The cell producers had their height in or around 2007/2008 since then the guaranteed prices have dropped massively I think they are barley above 20 ct/KWH now.
And now just see the stock prices for those cell producers. The dropped between 70 to over 95 % from their highest levels. So you still can see without this absolutely brain-dead subsidies they still can not produce the cells as cheap to be competitive.

Do you think the Deledefs are mentioning that during their speeches about sustainable energies. Not a word, they just tell us that „many“ working places were created for that. And that Germany is the leader in „green “ technology. Just think about it a second. The prices for the cell producers are completely under water and it’s just a question of time when the first will get bankrupt. What about the many work-places than?

In honesty there is hardly a better example on deception one can find world-wide. The big „change“ just hot words and substance. As I wrote at the beginning. „One of those days“….