Schlagwort-Archive: wikileaks

Wikileaks again

I’m quite delighted about the newest publishings, it shows, in what the US believes and what they strive for. Beeing the “super power”, and every other should be kept down. It seems that the US fortunately have quite a few dissatisfied workers. What’s interesting is the reaction of the traditional press. They write, it’s not something did not no before. Well may be but imagine this stuff would have been offered to some traditional news papers. What reaction would we have had then?

Now I’m really curious about the publishing of papers of some bank. Guess if you can see how they have betrayed their customers. It would be a pleasure to see them standing naked.

Ah well I’m quite “satisfied” that Wikileaks exists.


I’ve written about it before. And the same holds this time. I have not really checked the published items. But if just 1/10 of it is true than we are talking about more than 10000 murdered people. This just shows it very clearly what armed forces are all about. The reactions of the politicians are clear. They don’t deny any facts but say every other life of an American soldier or whomever it as stake. As if the life of a soldier from the US would have a higher worth than anyone else. I have written more than once on how armoured forces are behind everything from the governement and this one of the most shabby examples. Agreed it’s war, but this war was put on Iraque by the US. They have send down their soldiers because of the most obscure reasons. How would you feel first be opressed by the armed forces of a dicatator and jus a few years later by the forces of a “democratic” choosen parliament. What’s the difference, can anyone feel better to see at the point of a gun of a criminal or a “soldier”? Do you feel better that your house is burned than you’d feel if your house is bombed? I’m very shocked and you can bet if I’m glad that this crimes couuld not be kept under the karpet. It does not help any poor soul suffering under this kind of “violence”, but maybe it will open up the eyes of a quite a few others what governement really is.

It’s good that a few things exist

I count among them the Wikileaks. Not that I’ve used it intensivly, especially not about the war in Afghanistan. But it’s because journalism seems to
just write as the politicians do. I commented on one extreme example in my other blog (in German). But having wikileaks just shows how we get
lied to every day. All the big words about freedom and “serving” the population. It’s from nearly everyone just “hot air”. Just see the Obama speaks. And then see what
comes out of it in the end. People having lived in peace have to go to war,soldiers are sent out of their countries for what? The name it fighting for your freedom.
Reallly I’d like to know what the people of Afghanistan have done to threaten your freedom over there in the US or here in the EU. Just because a few fanatics are coming from there. Well how about the diverse criminals sitting in our jails? Strange enough one might ask, how comes that in comparison the US has the most criminals. Maybe the proper
place for fighting for your rights is there where you live?

I just want to remind you. Obama has limited your freedom by saying yes to the (b)failouts. Obamacare will get a synonym for constitutional inefficiency. But well he’ll live on a good pension and wil earn a few thousand dollars for speaking on big or not to big events. Anyway Wikileaks probably will point out where he has lied and betrayed you.

Hopefully this will make a difference….