Schlagwort-Archive: betray

Your data

belong to you. Feel free to give them away to whomever you like but don’t be surprised if it backfires.

With every new day and new news about Facebook I’m happy I’m not “in”. If you just google for my name you can get a lot of information. And
I know this will stay forever. Yes I’m unimportant and nobody but maybe one or two cares. That’s fine with me. But I write what I think and “reveal” what
I want and what I decide.

With Facebook I know all my data are in access to Facebook, who am I to know to whom they give access even if I would not agree?
I simply do not know. Facebook needs desperately new sources of income. There stocks still are hell of expensive, and they must earn much more to get
just near somewhat rational regions. So If they’d earn 10 billions one might things that 90 billions are “fair” priced, But
So what else but your data should drive it’s profits.

If you feel Facebook offers something to you then fine use it, but I for my part have decided that I want mine to stay mine. I do not want even more advertisements in my
mail box, nor do I like to get stuffed with it every day, every click. In Germany the biggest advisor for debt handling Schufa have announced to start collecting user information
on facebook for their credit rankings. How would you like that? I can just say, I’m not amused.

And within 5 years I’m sure you state agencies will put pressure on Facebook to get hands on our data. Of course all for the greater goog of the american state. And they will tell, those who do not have anything to hide can simply disclose that information. Well I guess they will do it even more “subtle”. I bet Facebook will find a way to provide them with your data. Backdoors, hacker attacks, viruses, trojan horse, I don’t doubt it a second that NSA should be able to crack accounts in the hundreds of thousands if they are inclined and told to do so. Your data? Not if you give them away that freely…..

Newest EU attack on your purse

Just imagine all EU countries have collected more debts than ever in history. Greece has manipulated data to be part of this system. And what did we do we sanctioned their doing. Now imagine, I’m stealing your money, we go to court and you have to learn. Well yes I had all the rights to betray you. What would you think about such kind of system?

Now the Irish want to get another 85 Billion from us. It was one of the soundest systems before the governement decided to “fail” out their banks, I can not see who has put some pistol on their chest saying. “you must keep your banks afloat”. Well you know the argument “there was/is/willnever be a choice. That simply is a lie.

The money for Greece was illegal, there were (and btw. still are laws) which forbid this kind of “credits”. So the choice with Greek was. “Doing nothing”. The choice for the Irish government was “doing nothing”. And in both cases this would have been the better choice. It surely would have signaled to everyone. “you can earn as much money as you like, but you can loose as much as easily”. Now the signal is to every bank or corporation. “Grow as large as possible don’t put any considerations ons sustainability. If it comes bad, you can held a whole country as hostage.”.

What do you think would stop the death-spriral?

It’s good that a few things exist

I count among them the Wikileaks. Not that I’ve used it intensivly, especially not about the war in Afghanistan. But it’s because journalism seems to
just write as the politicians do. I commented on one extreme example in my other blog (in German). But having wikileaks just shows how we get
lied to every day. All the big words about freedom and “serving” the population. It’s from nearly everyone just “hot air”. Just see the Obama speaks. And then see what
comes out of it in the end. People having lived in peace have to go to war,soldiers are sent out of their countries for what? The name it fighting for your freedom.
Reallly I’d like to know what the people of Afghanistan have done to threaten your freedom over there in the US or here in the EU. Just because a few fanatics are coming from there. Well how about the diverse criminals sitting in our jails? Strange enough one might ask, how comes that in comparison the US has the most criminals. Maybe the proper
place for fighting for your rights is there where you live?

I just want to remind you. Obama has limited your freedom by saying yes to the (b)failouts. Obamacare will get a synonym for constitutional inefficiency. But well he’ll live on a good pension and wil earn a few thousand dollars for speaking on big or not to big events. Anyway Wikileaks probably will point out where he has lied and betrayed you.

Hopefully this will make a difference….