Saving the delebets way does not mean cut one’s expenses but highering ones income. Now this time it Italy.
A higher tax for the rich, a higher tax on capital gains etc, but not mentioning cutting down the expenses FIRST.
I guess that’s what GDP related debt mens. All you property belong to use. We just decide when and where we take it.
Another astonishing development. Forbidding free trade, you think that some stock are to high and do start selling them, empty. It’s now forbidden in three or so countries here in EUR land. France, Italy, Spain. Remarkable? Not really that are those which most distruste. As I’ve seen yesterday even buying Puts short should be forbidden. That means you can not express your opinion that markets are too high. And that will surely help. It will make everyone feel much better. Or not?
It fits very nicely to my predictions that the worse the state of affairs get, the more the delebets will try to „steer“ control. The delebets do know they are wrong-doers but they would never admit it. So they are looking for scape-goats and there they are speculants…..
So one can see the usual lies are not langer sufficient, now they introduce some newer ones. BPOHs