I warned you over an over again. The Austrians warned before the world war two. But it happens over and over again states are paradises for thieves, but it just gets along some time. And you will loose eventually. Nothing will change that now it’s Argentina again:http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2014-02-09/heres-what-it-looks-when-your-countrys-economy-collapses
It’s as usual. The government promises can’t be kept. There is not enough of anything to fullfill this lies. And as you can see before there is an extreme expanson of government spending. Which of course is just driven be debts. The endless blog entries on Zerohedge are “im”(de)pressing
http://www.zerohedge.com/search/apachesolr_search/ type in Argentina
I warned you in 2011 what will come along and it’s starting. Not in the US or EU (currently) but the states farther down the path to destruction. See what I warned you for and what I propose to do about it for yourself. I needed 5 years to get all the things properly “set-up”. I hope it was enough, and I hope also I will get out of here before the next war comes….