Schlagwort-Archive: big money

What is your „inflation“

Well as we all have learned from our deledefs. There is no inflation. So well yes, that’s what they told and tell us. The FED still is printing money like mad but that’s not inflation that’s QE.
Anyway have you checked your personal inflation rate? What were your findings?

We’ve q big taboo zone here. The government does not even try to calculate a inflation rate. They even manipulate the data and differentiate between core inflation and other inflation. Guess what
food and fuel is not included in the core inflation. They have their reasons for that, because taking that into account would raise the inflation considerably. And you know it can’t be what should not be. So you do not have inflation. In other words, they lie at you again with a straight face, and giving you the impression of being a mad men. Well fact is they are liars and cowards. One does not know what’s worse but they really
want to tell you: „You are stupid and we have everything under control“ The have not.

Fact is the manipulation of inflation rates and unemployment rates have nothing to do with reality any more. It’s data which they think they can give us without us freaking out. But in the end it’s just another big lie on their dung heap of lies. Again I ask you why do you still believe them and are still voting for them? Can’t you stand the truth or are happy to be lied at? I just suggest you keep book of your expenses for a two years and then you can see how much they lie to you. Maybe it’s time to concentrate of the constitution, there gold and money are used interchangeable. That’s the right thing, that you get your deledefs away with their fiat-money is your biggest mistake. Don’t you think it’s time to leave this mistake behind?

The only way to get rid of those liars is not vote for them but anyone else. I propose you look after a liberal one. With record of it’s liberalism. And do not forget. He/she should support „end the fed“. Without sound money you will not have the slightest chance of recovery. It just means some take from your without any service in return. Don’t believe them they give back, it’s just another lie.

It’s high time to say goodbye

dear reader. I guess it’s not a suprise to you that I want money as value and not money as debt.

The outooks are getting more devastating every day. And the „solutions“ suggested are the same wrong things we’re doing since we abolished money as value.
In fact the inflation/deflation do not change as usual. It’s just more more more inflation. That can’t be a suprise because money printing is the solution to everything since ages.

If you consider it it’s just voodo. Printing money is absolutely effortless indeed if you add a 0 to a 100 note you suddenly are 10 times reacher (on paper) but nothing was produced for it and no-one has
spend any serious work on it. In money as value currencies it is impossible to just printt things. If the note says, you can go to any bank and get xy gram of whatever, this money is backed up and can not
be inflated just by appending a zero to it. In fact you „must“ know that you have this xy gram of whatever somewhere. Either youi saved it or in the case of banks their customers have saved it and ALLOW the bank
to lend i. Yes even there we can not know what investments will be fruitful. But in the old system it simply does not matter. The money is printed „before“ something was produced.

That means also, those having this money first seem to be richer then they really are. So they can buy more for nothing in reality. This is the first time the big debtors gain. Now the biggest debtors world-wide are the
states, and the states can force anyone to use their money on the land they rule. This is the first time savers get duped. But that is not all the money out of nothing drives up the demand. And at the end of the chain, those getting this money at last, find that he can not buy as much for this money as some years before. And this is the second but not last time the saver is duped.

The deception goes on with the following. The big debtors not just do print money they are issuing bonds also, and they have to pay interest on those bonds. Here again the states are the highest issuers of bonds, and now another deception takes place. The buyers of bonds can not print money out of nothing, they have to save the money that they can invest. (just remember this money, most often has start is existence out of the blue). Then they have to pay „saved money“ for the bonds. During the runtime of the bonds the earned interests are taxed. So real saved money is paid some day in the past, the interest is partly stolen by taxes and the money is inflated and at the end of the runtime the 100 CU are just worth 80 CU or even less.

This money is not a unit for paying and saving every cent is just a lie. Franklin just looks on you and is smiling. He would have got it how you are duped. So you can protest against bank and big business as you like, but as long as you do not protest against the money monopoly and the fiat-money system. You just want to change the system that you are master and not slave any more. Occupy Wallstreet does not have understand this and therefor it’s just another master trying to get some slaves.

So there’s but one candidate which asks for sound money for ages (at least 30 years) and there’s but one way to get our of slavery. Abolish the Fed, take away the money monoply from the state and demand that the currency is backed by values… It’s high time to day goodbye to fiat-money. The longer you way the more brutal the awakening. So again
Say goodbye to the fed and good-by paper money.