Well as we all have learned from our deledefs. There is no inflation. So well yes, that’s what they told and tell us. The FED still is printing money like mad but that’s not inflation that’s QE.
Anyway have you checked your personal inflation rate? What were your findings?
We’ve q big taboo zone here. The government does not even try to calculate a inflation rate. They even manipulate the data and differentiate between core inflation and other inflation. Guess what
food and fuel is not included in the core inflation. They have their reasons for that, because taking that into account would raise the inflation considerably. And you know it can’t be what should not be. So you do not have inflation. In other words, they lie at you again with a straight face, and giving you the impression of being a mad men. Well fact is they are liars and cowards. One does not know what’s worse but they really
want to tell you: „You are stupid and we have everything under control“ The have not.
Fact is the manipulation of inflation rates and unemployment rates have nothing to do with reality any more. It’s data which they think they can give us without us freaking out. But in the end it’s just another big lie on their dung heap of lies. Again I ask you why do you still believe them and are still voting for them? Can’t you stand the truth or are happy to be lied at? I just suggest you keep book of your expenses for a two years and then you can see how much they lie to you. Maybe it’s time to concentrate of the constitution, there gold and money are used interchangeable. That’s the right thing, that you get your deledefs away with their fiat-money is your biggest mistake. Don’t you think it’s time to leave this mistake behind?
The only way to get rid of those liars is not vote for them but anyone else. I propose you look after a liberal one. With record of it’s liberalism. And do not forget. He/she should support „end the fed“. Without sound money you will not have the slightest chance of recovery. It just means some take from your without any service in return. Don’t believe them they give back, it’s just another lie.