Schlagwort-Archive: constitution

What is your “inflation”

Well as we all have learned from our deledefs. There is no inflation. So well yes, that’s what they told and tell us. The FED still is printing money like mad but that’s not inflation that’s QE.
Anyway have you checked your personal inflation rate? What were your findings?

We’ve q big taboo zone here. The government does not even try to calculate a inflation rate. They even manipulate the data and differentiate between core inflation and other inflation. Guess what
food and fuel is not included in the core inflation. They have their reasons for that, because taking that into account would raise the inflation considerably. And you know it can’t be what should not be. So you do not have inflation. In other words, they lie at you again with a straight face, and giving you the impression of being a mad men. Well fact is they are liars and cowards. One does not know what’s worse but they really
want to tell you: “You are stupid and we have everything under control” The have not.

Fact is the manipulation of inflation rates and unemployment rates have nothing to do with reality any more. It’s data which they think they can give us without us freaking out. But in the end it’s just another big lie on their dung heap of lies. Again I ask you why do you still believe them and are still voting for them? Can’t you stand the truth or are happy to be lied at? I just suggest you keep book of your expenses for a two years and then you can see how much they lie to you. Maybe it’s time to concentrate of the constitution, there gold and money are used interchangeable. That’s the right thing, that you get your deledefs away with their fiat-money is your biggest mistake. Don’t you think it’s time to leave this mistake behind?

The only way to get rid of those liars is not vote for them but anyone else. I propose you look after a liberal one. With record of it’s liberalism. And do not forget. He/she should support “end the fed”. Without sound money you will not have the slightest chance of recovery. It just means some take from your without any service in return. Don’t believe them they give back, it’s just another lie.

You can make it happen

I warned you years ago for the man without ideas Obama. I warned for the other candidate also:

It’s up to you to end this. Watch closely what the candidates have done in the past and how they acted. If you feel that freedom is not
just a seven letter word, you probably just can vote for one candidate. So don’t hesitate to do the right thing. You were ruled by liers for decades and government has shown more then once
that they are for “big money” and big companies. Don’t you think it’s time to give those a chance which earn your wealth. Yes GM and the big firms partly do own your wealth. But there are those “little”
craftsmen. There are those mechanics countrymen etc. They care for you as customers, they offer value for money. If GM has done wrong it does not try to serve the customers better. Thy sit down in
an plane fly over to Washington and are whining how great they are for the US an how under appreciated they are.

This is a plain lie. But hey government just sees 10000 working places in danger. We have to do something. That they drive out of the market ten times as much. That’s not what they care for that “normal” risk.

Don’t you think that is unfair? If yes again watch closely what the candidates have done and how the acted in the past. You may come to the “right” candidate then.

Last but not least you will have another choice in 5 years to vote for someone else. But it could be different this time. See your constitution and vote for whom stand for it. You grand fathers did know right from the start,
what dangers large government brings with it. That it has come so far, is not their fault. They’ve given you the means to avoid that. So think about it and choose in their remembrance.

Don’t you think

it’s time for a change in the US (amont every other developed country in the world)

Ain’t you Americans so proud of “law and order”?

Now tell me why don’t you stand up for law and just stick ot order(s)? Why are you not standing up for your freedom?

Think about it you have voted for democrats or republicans for ages. Does it have done any good for you?

If the answer is no, wouldn’t it be time to change your voting habits? As I remember you can vote every 5 years or so. It does not matter
how worse your current president is, You always can get rid of them. Wouldn’t it be time to get rid of Obama and all this deledefs?

Why not give Ron Paul a chance. He stands at least for the constitution and civil rights. Wouldn’t that be an option one could try?

And it’s highest time to take back your money from your deledefs. So how about a new gold backed Dollar? Think about it. Would the banks be bailed out
for “real” value? If the answer is no, why do you still believe in paper money?

So I don’t know what you think but I think yes it’s time for a change…

I’m im(de)pressed

Guess that the democrats and republicans have find an agreement. The agreement is as follows

  1. We can not save so we need more credit
  2. We seriously have tried to save.
  3. We messed it up as usual.
  4. We are not sorry, you have to pay

I remind you of this blog before they raised the credit limit. To 17 trillions or so. Now 1 trillion more is gone in not half a year. Tell me anything about sustainability.

I’m sorry for the US citizens, but you are completely fucked up. Your choice is the choice on how you like to get killed. The result is always the same. You’re dead.

I would change my mind, and give someone else the chance to save if there’s something to save. Vote for Ron Paul and liberalism. Everything else is just
serfdom. You do not have to believe me that. Just have a look at any books written by a liberal and compare you constitution against liberalism. You’ll see that’s the
way the old ones wanted to have the US Not this socialism of either democrats or republics.