Schlagwort-Archive: big government

My writings

since ages:

This supranational absolutely useless and indeed damaging organizations, with standards hardly bearable for any honest men, are the „hell on earth“. They do commmunicate with dictators and those promise the blue from the sky, get their project and tons of moneys and that from the poor indoctrinated people, of te developed countries. And then it’s get really absurd if countries without anything like civil rights judge about countries which at least have them…

It’s disgusting.

Your data

belong to you. Feel free to give them away to whomever you like but don’t be surprised if it backfires.

With every new day and new news about Facebook I’m happy I’m not „in“. If you just google for my name you can get a lot of information. And
I know this will stay forever. Yes I’m unimportant and nobody but maybe one or two cares. That’s fine with me. But I write what I think and „reveal“ what
I want and what I decide.

With Facebook I know all my data are in access to Facebook, who am I to know to whom they give access even if I would not agree?
I simply do not know. Facebook needs desperately new sources of income. There stocks still are hell of expensive, and they must earn much more to get
just near somewhat rational regions. So If they’d earn 10 billions one might things that 90 billions are „fair“ priced, But
So what else but your data should drive it’s profits.

If you feel Facebook offers something to you then fine use it, but I for my part have decided that I want mine to stay mine. I do not want even more advertisements in my
mail box, nor do I like to get stuffed with it every day, every click. In Germany the biggest advisor for debt handling Schufa have announced to start collecting user information
on facebook for their credit rankings. How would you like that? I can just say, I’m not amused.

And within 5 years I’m sure you state agencies will put pressure on Facebook to get hands on our data. Of course all for the greater goog of the american state. And they will tell, those who do not have anything to hide can simply disclose that information. Well I guess they will do it even more „subtle“. I bet Facebook will find a way to provide them with your data. Backdoors, hacker attacks, viruses, trojan horse, I don’t doubt it a second that NSA should be able to crack accounts in the hundreds of thousands if they are inclined and told to do so. Your data? Not if you give them away that freely…..

Just give it a name

the disaster can be subsumed under one small sentence.

The problems are there because of the monopolies of states. In this case the monopoly of currencies.

The FED , ECB etc, do just get their position because the state sanctioned it. It’s very easy. Just the Dollar or Euro are the lawfu payment items.
And so there is not market just the big wanter „state“.

The also do nothing against the defraud that banks do lend demand deposits. And so you just whisper bank-run and they get near a heart stroke. This system
is perverted. It does safe defrauders and punishes honest men. And that is called „fair“. It’s obviously just „fair“ for those being favored by states. And the state
does do everything to get more and more supporters with bribe.

Give us our money back and we’ll recover. Do more of you interventions and we crash and „recover“ therefafter. The first would be the right way but the
Deledefs of alll states, parties will not go that way, it does not suite there „idea“ of „fairness“. They are suckers and hell I will name them as such.

It’s high time to say goodbye

dear reader. I guess it’s not a suprise to you that I want money as value and not money as debt.

The outooks are getting more devastating every day. And the „solutions“ suggested are the same wrong things we’re doing since we abolished money as value.
In fact the inflation/deflation do not change as usual. It’s just more more more inflation. That can’t be a suprise because money printing is the solution to everything since ages.

If you consider it it’s just voodo. Printing money is absolutely effortless indeed if you add a 0 to a 100 note you suddenly are 10 times reacher (on paper) but nothing was produced for it and no-one has
spend any serious work on it. In money as value currencies it is impossible to just printt things. If the note says, you can go to any bank and get xy gram of whatever, this money is backed up and can not
be inflated just by appending a zero to it. In fact you „must“ know that you have this xy gram of whatever somewhere. Either youi saved it or in the case of banks their customers have saved it and ALLOW the bank
to lend i. Yes even there we can not know what investments will be fruitful. But in the old system it simply does not matter. The money is printed „before“ something was produced.

That means also, those having this money first seem to be richer then they really are. So they can buy more for nothing in reality. This is the first time the big debtors gain. Now the biggest debtors world-wide are the
states, and the states can force anyone to use their money on the land they rule. This is the first time savers get duped. But that is not all the money out of nothing drives up the demand. And at the end of the chain, those getting this money at last, find that he can not buy as much for this money as some years before. And this is the second but not last time the saver is duped.

The deception goes on with the following. The big debtors not just do print money they are issuing bonds also, and they have to pay interest on those bonds. Here again the states are the highest issuers of bonds, and now another deception takes place. The buyers of bonds can not print money out of nothing, they have to save the money that they can invest. (just remember this money, most often has start is existence out of the blue). Then they have to pay „saved money“ for the bonds. During the runtime of the bonds the earned interests are taxed. So real saved money is paid some day in the past, the interest is partly stolen by taxes and the money is inflated and at the end of the runtime the 100 CU are just worth 80 CU or even less.

This money is not a unit for paying and saving every cent is just a lie. Franklin just looks on you and is smiling. He would have got it how you are duped. So you can protest against bank and big business as you like, but as long as you do not protest against the money monopoly and the fiat-money system. You just want to change the system that you are master and not slave any more. Occupy Wallstreet does not have understand this and therefor it’s just another master trying to get some slaves.

So there’s but one candidate which asks for sound money for ages (at least 30 years) and there’s but one way to get our of slavery. Abolish the Fed, take away the money monoply from the state and demand that the currency is backed by values… It’s high time to day goodbye to fiat-money. The longer you way the more brutal the awakening. So again
Say goodbye to the fed and good-by paper money.

That was overdue

Finally and it serves the US right, Especially Mr Yes-we-can president Obama.

The USA have lost their highest credit-ranking. It would have been better they would have been downgraded some 3 years ago. But better late than never.
14 Trillion (extended to 16 trillions (official debts) is way beyond any reason. And it’s the highest in times of peace. Well maybe the military adventures of the US
do not deserve to be named peace. Anyway there is not declared war but war on terrorism. With all it’s „magnificence“.

The US should see that debt is the start of the end. And their debt toll is way too much. There should be never any debt for governments. It just means they live without their financial bounds, and they deserve to suffer from it as any other „company“. No state does not deserve this special treatement and it just shows among the equal or some „more“ equal.

Fortunatly the markets start to realize the mess the states are in. That’s really overdue. But again better late than never.

On just can hope that the US will have to pay higher interests also. The current money burning from the FED is also beyond any reason, and it serves them well that the markets realize that they are running the biggest ponzi-scheme ever. I hope the US citiizens vote for Ron Paul in 2012, but well I guess the big „business“ firms and military complex of the US will support someone like Obama who gives them access to any purse. Nice to see the reactions of the bureaucrats, „unfair“, well no.. „well deserved“.

Just can say US citizens you will have choice next year. I’d suggest that you give Obama what he deserves, „go out of our ways“. That’s the best message I could imagine…

Let’s get over it.

For year now the establishement tries to save themselves while taking every tax paying cititzen as hostage.

I started my other blog some 3 or so years ago and added the Mises Blog last year. I just cite myself from my outer Mises Blog

or a bit earlier:

I may bore you to death with it, but I think it still is needed that there always was and is another way. If you just have but one plan you have at least two choices. Follow the plan or DO NOTHING.
If you are at the edge of a cliff and see the other side you can try to make one extra step. Or you can just stay, and think.

After a while of thinking you may see that it would be a bad idea to make the step and drop a few hundred meters. You won’t get on the other side while falling to death. So than you think a little longer and you could think of another way of getting to the other side. And you may start looking for bridge or the like. If you find one other „solution“ you probably find some other solutions.

Now let’s come back to the state of affairs. If the politicians had stopped three years ago and thought. They might have realized the debt are too high and it won’t help to pile them up even higher. This never has happens with the majoritiy of hte politicians and so they became deledefs. Now everything else is a follow-up to this. And still the economic reality (the abyss) is real. I don’t know of the Deledefs have make the next stupid step. But even if, men will survive. Especially those having lived within their bounds.

You still may declare yourself independent of the stupidness of the deledefs….

For us all the declaration of independence would be sound money, while breaking the money monopoly of any government. Sound money means if you have money you still will be able to exchange that against goods you need. Unsound money may just be stuff to play with for children. So help to fight the central banks and fiat-money, and let’s the deledefs do the last stupid step alone…