Schlagwort-Archive: madness

Just a small paragraph

Well I don’t know if anyone has written it down better. But IMHO one thing holds:

“There are two things all governmental “solutions” have in common:
1) they are the most expensive, most bureaucratic, most inefficient, of maximal stupidity
2) and none of them works.”

A little more extreme. If you want to have an extra problem, just ask government for a solution”.

It’s not just that governments is just annoying it’s just the most dangerous thing on planet earth. It’s death toll every year is in the millions.
Corruption, defraud, expropriation you name it and states do deliver

New lows? Sure new lows !!

Well it seems the lows were not low enough

1) The USA growth was cut by 2/3 from the “experts”

2) The help for Greece is not enough the “saving” goals will not be reached

3) Gold climbs again but the Germans sell their Gold attire (do they really think they will not miss some value to barter with on the markets?)

4) Italys Berlusconsi says Italy is shit

5) Obama “promised 1 Million new jobs”

6) Bernanke does not do anything currently but has vengeance weapons.

7) The people still buy swiss money as if there won’t be tomorrw

8) The economy growth in Germany is supposed to get much slower

9) Many Germans give a sh… on their own personal debts.

Dear Readers, you can see they do not what they do but they are marching on….

You remember my predictions? Well inflation is still high and yield are on record low. That means you loose money while you bu bonds. If you feel like burning money, do me a favor and send the money you like to burn to me. I’ll buy some extra precious metals…..

I found this in my other blog written some 3 years or so ago:

It could be that the around 10 trillions or so have bought us 3 years. Well half of the time the whole have worked for that much money, and it does not seem to help,. I bet another non-existant 10 trillions wil harly buy us another 3 years maybe 1-2.. and then?

Without doubt

A lot of money vanished yesterday. I guess we’re talking about values at or around 2-10 trillions. How will that be changed if the EZB has bought bonds from Italy and Spain at or around 5-6 billion?

Without doubt, we can say also. Nothing has changed really maybe just the majority starts “understanding” what the central banks and states have done to our money.

I guess they start seeing that fighting problems caused by too much cheap money can not be solved with some tons of other cheap money. And to my pleasure it now hits a few nerves with central bankers, delebets and bureaucrats. I expected such kind of action some 3 years ago. But they were able to keep the impression of solidity and controllability. Everyone just knowing a bit about Austrian economics could not be surprised. I invite you to just browse through the mises blog and their associated blogs like this one. (Yes I’m not very decent) But I have written against this kind of madness right from the start of this blog and my other blot at

I did not even know about the austrian school of economics as I started writing my outside Mises blog. I just keep deer what my grand-parents and parents have told me and lived. The all lived within their bounds. All other things follow from it. We are a family of savers. Nobody knows when one will need some money. And so we saved and invested “cautiously”. Along 3 years ago as they started those “failout” programs. I started to invest in gold. I opened accounts in NZ an Switzerland just go get out this EU madness, however I avoided the US as the plague. With all modesty one can say, that has served me well.

However that probably wasn’t the end. One MUST start thinking about a break-down of the western countries. I always was optimistic about out ability to learn. But the Deledefs have proven over and over again. “They simply do not get it”. That makes them extremely dangerous because they try to regain “control”. I’m not sure if that really is possible currently, but as long as they do not start acting responsible I can not see how things could turn to the better. So I expect new laws, new taxes more limits to freedom In fact I expect stupidities as laid out in “Atlas shrugged”. I wished I found the John Galt valley….