Schlagwort-Archive: civil war

Where are we now?

As heared from the WEC in Davos I think. Back to growth, or just in a situation like 1914.

Well I’ve no answer, I’ve seen the parrallels to 1913 last year. But there is a difference, AFAIKT most europeans were more or less prepared for war. The question to that time just seems to have beeen when.

Now I can not see this time that the Europeans are for war and they hardly seem to be prepared. I’ve also the impression that nobody thinks that the end of debt making will come this year.

What I would dismiss from my point of few is that we’re back to „normal“. The complete system are way beyond „normal“, but are also not „preparing“ for war. Well not the war of countries against others.

My impression is currently that the war to come is a war of the leaders, and elites against the rest. See how they try to strengthen the EU. How should that work if you one one hand bring the driver (currently Germany) down? And what should we expect from a larger Europe? More justice?

I don’t think so. So I’m currently more inclined to think about lines of civil war, like in Syria and other african countries. And it’s not we (in the meaning of nation, e.g. Germans vs. others) but we the „leaders“ against the stupid masses. Which dare to not want to follow those „wise guys“….

Control? What control?

Ah well now it seems to get catastrophic.

The Greeks vote again. And Europe may come to an end. At least the Euro Europe. In Germany the system press, paints a picture black in black. According to the comments
the Euro is a showpiece of a project that brough us Peace, Wealth, Rightness. Sorry I’ve to stand up and run to the toilett.

Here I am back. The Euro was not wanted from most of the Germans, it was warned to introduce a common money without a common social and economic base. The idea obviously was
with the money comes „sanity“. Well that so stupid that it hurts

Hardly never in history sanity was really high on the list. Just see the wars, just see the biggest crime the introduction of central banks and fiat-money. The wars since 100 years could not have been fought with „sound“ money. But with Fiat-money printing is not even to be mentioned. Just print and fine you are. Well now the wars are the biggest destroyers of wealth. but I guess they will go on telling us it’s for a higher good.

Never before in peace times, the debts were that sky high. And this what we get from welfare states. It’s an Oxymoron, the only things states can do is destroying. They can not build they just bring misery over anyone living in them. The states start small and protection of the individual is first high on the list. but now see what our states are, defrauding systems. And the destroyers of civil rights try to get rid of as much responsibility as they can. I’m not sorry, you politicians simply and plain suck.

And now they are starting to sucking us out really. And down we go the path of poverty. …

The notion of „nations“

I really wonder what’s the fuzz about it. I’ve seen a very depressing documentary on Arte about the US civil war. And I was „terrified“. Why was it worth so many debts to „keep it ‚one‘ nation“. Why was it ok to Lincoln to let literally tens of thousands die? What would have happened with two „united nations“? Nothing, the both would have had the same tongue. and they could have lived peacefully side-by-side. But no it has meant killing over any bounds, devastation and desperation on every side. Was it worth it?

They wrote one city heavily under bombardment, has not celebrated the 4th of July for 81 years after this terrible war. I just can say they were 81 years 100% right… The glory of the 4th of July were on tens-of thousand graves….

TARP the EU way

Yeah guys. the TARP money has „vanished“ like snow in the sun. Nobodoy know cares or ask where it’s gone. Now the EU has seen it and though by themselves.
What a great thing. Money for nothing and the gigs for free… And voila now it’s there the EUR TARP program. Well it’s not Troubled Assets Reliefe Program for banks but
TMMAR (take my money and run) for defrauders. Greece is the first which will take this money, of course they will not thank the EU for buying them out. No that would be for „normal people“, Germany is „enemy“ number one and well Germany is the biggest payer (well they pay with debts not even fiat-money, but that’s another story) Welll so the start are around 22.4 Billions. Well the „planned tax
releaf was 24 Billion. But now the „iron“ cancecellor has cancled it. It’s not tax relief the next 3 years. It’s more important to safe other countrioes and especially the Euro. But
how can you save a currency if you devaluate it? I don’t know the US has started the big number game and now EU starts their game. Who will went south first?

Who will be the winner. Could it be that the Chinese just can’t get to sleep because the laugh at us? Could it be that now the Chinese simply buy whatever they can an „extend“ their market place?
Just see what they do in Africa, the help buiding the infrastructure and get crucial things in return. Germany and the US simply do not get that an burn their money in wars without sense. Yes I think it could be the chinese time. Howerver be cautious to not get in conflict with the Partei….. If the chinese would be clever they’d bound their currency to something of value and soonner or later they will get all the US and EU area stuff for „an apple and an egg“…. On the other hand just imagine China starts selling their US-$ Bonds…..They do not even need an apple or an egg, civil war will finish the US and EU and they litereally get it all for „free“…

Exaggerations? May be, but just tell me what worth is the FIat money? Indeed nothing…. It’s just numbers on a paper….

However just see this numbers
8 700 000 000 000
750 000 000 000

The first is the „total debt“ of the EU countries, and the second is the TARP money. It’s not even 10% of the „open debt sum“. Now tell me something about leverage….

How much worse does it have to get before start improving?