Schlagwort-Archive: Lincoln

Ich kann Lincoln nicht ausstehen

Zitat (da  Bild wohl verschütt gegangen ist)

The Government should create, issue, and circulate all the currency and credits needed to satisfy the spending power of the Government and the buying power of consumers. By the adoption of these principles, the taxpayers will be saved immense sums of interest. Money will cease to be master and become the servant of humanity.

Leider ca 650 000 emordete zu spät, selber umgebracht worden. Ohne Lincoln wäre die Welt heute eine bessere.

A small thing to remember


Take that Obama. You are surely one of the worst presidents the US ever had. You are in very bad company. There is Nixon, and the civil war president Lincoln. Now all of them have one in common they have not the slightest respect on the constitution. It was meant to keep the state ouf of ones live. But what did you they do? They send their citizens into battle, they’ve stolen their property and they forced them into health care. What do you think are? God?

The notion of “nations”

I really wonder what’s the fuzz about it. I’ve seen a very depressing documentary on Arte about the US civil war. And I was “terrified”. Why was it worth so many debts to “keep it ‘one’ nation”. Why was it ok to Lincoln to let literally tens of thousands die? What would have happened with two “united nations”? Nothing, the both would have had the same tongue. and they could have lived peacefully side-by-side. But no it has meant killing over any bounds, devastation and desperation on every side. Was it worth it?

They wrote one city heavily under bombardment, has not celebrated the 4th of July for 81 years after this terrible war. I just can say they were 81 years 100% right… The glory of the 4th of July were on tens-of thousand graves….