Schlagwort-Archive: breaking laws

Control? What control?

Ah well now it seems to get catastrophic.

The Greeks vote again. And Europe may come to an end. At least the Euro Europe. In Germany the system press, paints a picture black in black. According to the comments
the Euro is a showpiece of a project that brough us Peace, Wealth, Rightness. Sorry I’ve to stand up and run to the toilett.

Here I am back. The Euro was not wanted from most of the Germans, it was warned to introduce a common money without a common social and economic base. The idea obviously was
with the money comes “sanity”. Well that so stupid that it hurts

Hardly never in history sanity was really high on the list. Just see the wars, just see the biggest crime the introduction of central banks and fiat-money. The wars since 100 years could not have been fought with “sound” money. But with Fiat-money printing is not even to be mentioned. Just print and fine you are. Well now the wars are the biggest destroyers of wealth. but I guess they will go on telling us it’s for a higher good.

Never before in peace times, the debts were that sky high. And this what we get from welfare states. It’s an Oxymoron, the only things states can do is destroying. They can not build they just bring misery over anyone living in them. The states start small and protection of the individual is first high on the list. but now see what our states are, defrauding systems. And the destroyers of civil rights try to get rid of as much responsibility as they can. I’m not sorry, you politicians simply and plain suck.

And now they are starting to sucking us out really. And down we go the path of poverty. …

The spiral of interventions

Well now we see another template example of interventions.

Argentina, has obviously left the area of markets due to the “politics” of Mrs Kirchner and her spouse. In a side-note
of the newspaper of my wife I found: Inflation 25% and official course between Peso and $. And what has happened before.

It started with good running exports and higher as usual prices for the exported goods. So far so normal, then comes the Kirchners and what did they do?
They spend this money on welfare (and if there is but one way to get money burned faster, really burn it). This has bought here enough votes (yes the merits of democracy) to
get re-elected. and it has come as it always comes.

The prices for the export goods are falling and she does not have enough money for their “welfare” operations. Well one might think well one must cut them back. That’s normal thinking, but not the
Deledefs way, and so they make more debts (one just can say as usual) and started to make restrictions on free trade. Well if you mess with the markets the only answer there is appears, the prices start
raising. And indeed even the stupid newspaper of my wife at least has to “admit” that inflation is beyond 25%. 25% means in a little over 3 years your property halfs in money value. You can bet the only things raising as fast as inflation are always the all-day-needed goods. And so the poor start paying the bill immediately.

Now the people act logically and try to get rid of the Peso and that means they buy other currencies, and this get the next reaction. Controls on the money export/exchange and indeed this is what Frau Kirchner and the Poligangsters did, they “forbid” exchanging into $ and now $ are scarce and a scarce thing does what? Exactly it raised in Price, now the official exchange rate and the “paid” exchange rate differ around 40%.
Very “appealing”, the members of the parliament (probably of Mrs Kirchners party), do what? They buy more Dollars and they can, so much to “equality” before the law

So the end is coming, and the interventions gets more and more by the hour. People which have gained at least some wealth are not expropriated by the inflation initiated by interventions of the state. The sucker spiral turns faster. I guess within the next 5 years Argentina will fall back below 3rd world level. So dear Argentines, say “thank you” to your deledefs. And bite yourself because of your stupidity.

What are the signs

that we nearing us an end of a bubble/burst cycle?

I wished I knew. So I just can speculate. At first it seems the debts were piled up higher than ever before in “peaceful” history. Peaceful in the sense that there is no war in Europe. But maybe I’m just too optimistic about the war stuff, maybe one has to admit it’s war between the deledefs and us. But well we currently do not shoot one another (but don’t ask me how long that will last).

There a a few other signes that maybe this time the end of this cycle is nearing. Gold still raises, slow but steady. And the worst fiat-currencies (EUR and US) are declining as well. I know there is not “real” alternative country on this earth, basing their economy on values, but well there are worse and a little better than worse fiat-money currencies. However we also see raising prices of commodities. The raises are not that striking in the “non-core” inflation area. But non-core inflation is kind of “a little bit pregnant”. It’s something that simply “does” not exist. We see devaluation races while the central bank go wild printing money. And so yes I think the prices show this devaluation.

Interesting also that the politicians are just cycling around each other and try hard to avoid any acknowledge of their population. You can see this in the last G8 meeting, which one just can describe with one word: spooky. They just were placed behind fences and the executive was closing down everything else. There you could see that they are not hampered by any sort of reality. It really was one of the days, one could see how they are not “working” for the public. At least not what I understand under public.

We’ve seen remarkable actions of men in north africa. They did not have learned much from our faults, but they managed to drive away their current deledefs which is a good thing. But I’m afraid they will follow the next duper, to some stupid thing. I hope I will be 100% wrong on this, but I do not see that politicians currently “leading” have done that much good. But may be “this time is different?” I can’t tell.

The actions of the federal banks seem to be desperation in disguise. They tell us “Everythign is under control” but I would not believe that for a second. So currently they try to prolong the suffering, but in the end we know “we are all dead” and Fiat money will die if not these days or months than someday in the future. You can not have “money” as debt. It’s one of the biggest chams ever in history. We are trying to sneak our way to wealth. That does not work. And devaluation of currencies is the surest way into doom. There is not exception to this rule. The “ruling” people, start issuing less valuable money and use their guns to “convince” us to take the more bad money on face to “better” alternatives. And I’m afraid there is never a “this time is different” in this area. The currently leading people do want to “lead” in the future too and so they do everything they possibly can to keep “their” system running. And so we never ever will see that they try not to fight what they probably will call “the market”. They will always attack those pointing out their lies….

And I ask you frankly. How can one believe that devils would to anything not to tantalize their “underlings”?

Democracy or not?

I’m wondering. If Democracy is that great how comes that the EU is undemocratic to the bones?
The only people having rights to vote are politicians from the diverse countries, agreed there is an EU parlament, but
the laws are suggeste by the EU commisson and those are the diverse ministeres of the countries. As you might know even those
can not to controlled during their tenure of office, and well what nobody from our EU population can do is
to file a suit against law breaking of their politicians. Fact is the EU countries have overvoted laws they themselves have decided.

The result is an astonishing “nothing”.

So either democracy is a good thing than what hinders politicians to extend democracy?

Well let’s be honest, the just thing democracy is a good thing, as long as they are voted and then left alone. They promise anything before
the vote and break everything with a smile thereafter. Well yes in the end they are just democratic legalized defrauders….
And they use this power to afflict every one…..

And laws are arranged that anyone suffers under them but “Politicians”. We in Germany have publich health care system and guess who does not fall
below it. You just have one guess free….

We have mostly public system about pensions. Guess who has some extra laws regarding their pay-in duration?
And guess who gets more than 90% of all Germans during their retirement age.

One of our most well known politicians has accepted illegal donations for his party, and guess what he said about it. “I have them my promise not to betray them.” Well
if it’s not a politician he will go to jail for such kind of things. This politician still’s member of the parliament. This is also the one who has given up one of the most stable Fiat-money currencies for what? Another stupid and even less rigid fiat-money, and now we have the mess. More debts than ever, hardly bearable and well if one might thing they will pay it back…..

After a while

I’m back. But well what has changed really. Nothing which could be considered an improvement. The raid is on it’s way. Laws written just 10 years ago broken be
deledefs. And so on. Money still is fiat-money and they try to drown the EU and US with even more cheap money. The FDP has given up any idea of liberalism, and the
most liberals have stepped down from their positions. Just 3 of the FPDler have voted against or not voted at (all, because of support for the “party”) breaking laws.

Astonishingly enough the only other votes against, breaking laws were caste by the “Linke”. Well this is the only “small” suprise, just as long as you see it
was against the “capitalistic parties”. Well I guess they would not hesittate to sign the next compulsory acquisition for banks or other “large” corporations. Or maybe they like to re-establish nationally-owned enterprises. Or any “nicecities” one is used to in dictatorhips.

Maybe this time they would be just a bit more clever and “let” people own their own stuff, but with “appropriate” taxes. Why not extra taxes as e.g they have for fuel (> 75 %)…

I’m quite sure our other parties like CDU, SDP, Greens, etc will look for such kind of “saving”. Time has taught, that expecting anything good from politicians (sorry deledefs) is a very stupid move.

So what should one write any longer, the things were written down in the past, they were rewritten in the late past and the might get rewritten in the future. But those for whom
it applied will go on with “their” way. It will be the road to perdition, burglary, black-mailing, more laws to punish the still producing work-forces….

Yes, you got it. I’m very pessimistic about the learning ability of our deledefs. They will do their best and beyond to drive us all back into misery. And if you just look into recent history you’ll see, such kind of “disruptions” won’t get away without violence. War is not unlikly, actually we’re in war. It’s politican and bureaucrats against every soul longing for freedom. Therfor I just can ask you again to harm the current governements, especially in the EU, and US as much as you possibly can. Don’t exaggerate or the will simply jail you, use the last “standing” laws as best as you can. Just start supporting “freedom” fighters….