Schlagwort-Archive: democracy?

Times they change

Dear Reader you probably know why the NATO is in Afghanistan?

Well it’s to fight terrorism. We know the worst we can imagine is that the Taliban will rule again.

Feel free to check
And there we can read:
“. The US viewed the conflict in Afghanistan as an integral Cold War struggle, and the CIA provided assistance to anti-Soviet forces through the Pakistani intelligence services, in a program called Operation Cyclone.[72][73]”

The following page is cited also:

Now think about it. The Criminal Intelligency Agency was authorised be the president of the United state to “handle” that stuff. Well how would you name something like supporting war in without beeing involved officially. The CIA works outside any limits, I guess the way things work is the president says something. the CIA hears and start acting. They can so without much control from any parliament, They even can gather their own finaces with illegal transactions (e.g selling drugs) So the US fights drugs at the US/Mexican border but the CIA is free to just ignore that. Feel free to fetch the Book “Liberty defined” by Ron Paul.

Now if you bee a soldier down in Afghanistan. Guess what you are fighting someone who was financed and supported by your own government, You feel that “thrill”?

The state never was the solution to any problem and you can see it’s getting worse the bigger the state gets. In the end one really can day ” you got what you’ve paid for…” Big government -> big injustice and -> a terrifying large number of casualties.

Just a small question

I’m wondering.

If democracy is that great why do our “democrats” arrange themselves with dictators?

Just see what happens in North-Africa currently. The old “gangs” are simply driven away. Have you ever heard of anything to help them?
It seems silence was more “wanted”. Bahrain is very special case. You remember the bough the F1 circus and suprise they got the football world champion ships…..

Now there still are a few dictatorships around. One of the biggest is flattered like nothing else. It’s just “oh what big a market” there is. Hardly a word about “oh see how nice the suppress their citizens”. Just remember a 25 years ago, the people where killed on a place with “peace” in it’s name. There is but one “renegade” there and they constantly live in fear of war from this “mother country”. It’s Taiwan, do we here of support for Taiwan? Well just as silent as possible….

Let’s talk about democracy

Would you agree if I asked “We all are “democrats” ….?

Do you?..

Let’s see what it means. Democracy means some figures are the “majority” and can decide for all. So let’s talk our “beloved” Germany as example. We have around 80 Millions men in here. Let’s be generous and assume 10 000 000 millions of them are children. They are excluded from every vote. Let’s assume 5 millions are divere foreigners with not voting rights here. So we’re down to around 65 millions. According to the BNN here in BW around 7.8 millions are allowed to vote (with around 14 millions living here) so with all means let’s assume just half the living beengs here can vote. Now how’s it with the majority than?

Now it gets worse. Just around 2/3 of them reall do go voting so we are down to 40 * 2 / 3 = 26.67 millions. Majoritiy? Now let’s see the last voting result CDU around 35 %, FDP around 15% so over all 13,33 millions.

So 13.33 millions do decide for 80 million people. Well I can not see a much poorer picture. Just around 1/8 of the men here, can decide what to do. And it’s getting worse it’s not possible to question their doings. Laws may be abiden , but maybe not. And if you think it can not be worse. There is not way for more than 300 million people to questions the doing of the EU. Because the EU is not a democracy but a partycrocy. (will say just parties of the diverse countries can decide) and then we go down to all member of diverse parties. Which “rule”.

I’m afraid we are have to live after rules from a few thousand people. With hardly a safety net to prevent them intruding our private lifes. These few thousand people have taken all of us hostage and a big machine to shelter them from us. They give orders to those under arms and well they make laws we have to abide to but they don’t. In Germany many laws are just for the “non politicians”….

Even if we’d have Saints as “rulers”. There is the all present threat of using force against you. They make the laws and they own the guns. They will come to your house take and inform you. Well sorry, but this country you own is needed by the “public” you better be prepared to loose it. Oh yes you can try to fight them, but fact is they have stolen things which were owned by the disfunkt GDR. But the original owners did not get back their property. Another always present threat is simply “go-to-jail”. You won’t abide to pay your taxes -> go to jail, you do not want your children in a public school -> go to jail.

So is this a desirable way of “living”. I’m afraid I disagree.

The base of all living together is to
1) abide to the property of anyone
2) contracts.

If you than just add one simple thing. “Don’t do to others, what you do not want to be done to you”. And we are fine. Current politics means “I know what’s best for you and you better follow”..

So is democracy all that good? I happily conclude: “No”. It just can get a bit better if you always can request the actions of your politicians. We do not have this extra in our Grundgesetz, and the current deledefs do no allow us deciding upon our constituition. (Believe it or not our Grundgesetz is just a provisional arrangement).

It starts with

PC (political correctness), then comes the phase off “the democratic forces” than it goes over to voluntary self-control.
Then it’s blaming everyone not for one self to be “undemocratic”, then comes the end of freedom of press. And from there on it’s not a far way to
the army of National Peoples Army, then comes war, after war just one thing “persists” the oppressed market.

Does it have to be always that harsh. Is it really a good thing to follow this path again and again and again. Germany is currently in phase 2 – 3.
The press just writes about some people “fighting” the attacks of the market. Now Hungary is a bit beyond the are on exterminating the press.

It’s not far away to laws for “Rassehygiene”. Maybe it will come the time where you just will see “Arbeit macht frei”… again

Democracy or not?

I’m wondering. If Democracy is that great how comes that the EU is undemocratic to the bones?
The only people having rights to vote are politicians from the diverse countries, agreed there is an EU parlament, but
the laws are suggeste by the EU commisson and those are the diverse ministeres of the countries. As you might know even those
can not to controlled during their tenure of office, and well what nobody from our EU population can do is
to file a suit against law breaking of their politicians. Fact is the EU countries have overvoted laws they themselves have decided.

The result is an astonishing “nothing”.

So either democracy is a good thing than what hinders politicians to extend democracy?

Well let’s be honest, the just thing democracy is a good thing, as long as they are voted and then left alone. They promise anything before
the vote and break everything with a smile thereafter. Well yes in the end they are just democratic legalized defrauders….
And they use this power to afflict every one…..

And laws are arranged that anyone suffers under them but “Politicians”. We in Germany have publich health care system and guess who does not fall
below it. You just have one guess free….

We have mostly public system about pensions. Guess who has some extra laws regarding their pay-in duration?
And guess who gets more than 90% of all Germans during their retirement age.

One of our most well known politicians has accepted illegal donations for his party, and guess what he said about it. “I have them my promise not to betray them.” Well
if it’s not a politician he will go to jail for such kind of things. This politician still’s member of the parliament. This is also the one who has given up one of the most stable Fiat-money currencies for what? Another stupid and even less rigid fiat-money, and now we have the mess. More debts than ever, hardly bearable and well if one might thing they will pay it back…..