Schlagwort-Archive: one could not know?

Your data

belong to you. Feel free to give them away to whomever you like but don’t be surprised if it backfires.

With every new day and new news about Facebook I’m happy I’m not “in”. If you just google for my name you can get a lot of information. And
I know this will stay forever. Yes I’m unimportant and nobody but maybe one or two cares. That’s fine with me. But I write what I think and “reveal” what
I want and what I decide.

With Facebook I know all my data are in access to Facebook, who am I to know to whom they give access even if I would not agree?
I simply do not know. Facebook needs desperately new sources of income. There stocks still are hell of expensive, and they must earn much more to get
just near somewhat rational regions. So If they’d earn 10 billions one might things that 90 billions are “fair” priced, But
So what else but your data should drive it’s profits.

If you feel Facebook offers something to you then fine use it, but I for my part have decided that I want mine to stay mine. I do not want even more advertisements in my
mail box, nor do I like to get stuffed with it every day, every click. In Germany the biggest advisor for debt handling Schufa have announced to start collecting user information
on facebook for their credit rankings. How would you like that? I can just say, I’m not amused.

And within 5 years I’m sure you state agencies will put pressure on Facebook to get hands on our data. Of course all for the greater goog of the american state. And they will tell, those who do not have anything to hide can simply disclose that information. Well I guess they will do it even more “subtle”. I bet Facebook will find a way to provide them with your data. Backdoors, hacker attacks, viruses, trojan horse, I don’t doubt it a second that NSA should be able to crack accounts in the hundreds of thousands if they are inclined and told to do so. Your data? Not if you give them away that freely…..

Completely actual

t’s unbelievable what politicians come along these days. Till now every “plan” (should I dare to name it that way) was put into pieces. And they still do not get it. The problem is not too less money, too less political influence and the like. There’s just on thing really too less. Personal responsibility. As long as the plans just do everything to minimize that, they will sink Billions and trillions of money, till they can’t do any more.

The people having robbed out the majority, must stand to their responsibility and give back. Currently everything is done to keep them “at the top”. That’s bad, how can anyone expect normal people building trust if they see how those people for the “get rich fast” won’t pay to have their bill.

So is the bottom reached. It’s not even in sight. For Germany I predict we’ll test the DAX lows from 2003 or so, for the Dow at least 1/3 to 1/2 losses is not that uncertain. Will we see bankrupt states. Well we’ve seen Iceland and we see what happens to Argentina…. Don’t say it can’t happen to larger states. If we in Germany throw out all the money we do not process….

At least we in Germany have experiences state bankruptcy two times in the 20ies century. One after World Word I and the second after Wold War II. Unfortunately our politicians do not take that possibility into account…. with the half billions parachute for banks, we may start outstretching our luck….

Guess when this was written
you can check here Down the drain