Schlagwort-Archive: robbery

Go if you think it’s better.

Dear Grees, you do not like the „solution“ done by your Deledefs? Well you are not alone. I don’t like it either. You should have not given any money, despite everything else that is the law.
But find now you took the money, well then I’ve some news for your. You must hold contracts. I know that’s old fashioned but it’s the only way things can work.

You don’t like to hold the contracts? So fine just return the money and go your way. I know you have burned the money, so you won’t pay your debts. Anyway if you think that’s ok go.
But don’t expect anything or anyone to help you against your than alone ruling Deledefs. You think you’re better of without the Euro? Well that could be but your Deledefs will explain to you that it must be a new fiat-Drachme. Well if you think you’re better of with that, I have really bad news for you. You Deledefs will print money as stupid. That means you shining new Drachme will be devalued right from the start in a speed you hardly will believe. Here’s my take on it. The inflation will raise over 10% (I do not think that 25% are the upper bound) That will say in the first case within 7 years your wealth is halved. How do you like that?

If you think to go is better than think about what you do to your deledefs. I suggest sending them to hell. That’s the place they belong to. Insist in a currency as value and do not cry. Getting away form addiction is hurting. And you have lived so long on debts, that not getting new stuff will be hell on earth. Anyway you’ve t pay the debts in one way or the other. Either with honesty (this is the most unlikely outcome) or by defraud. And you can bet you deledes will rob you. Anyway if you think that’s better go. But don’t come along crying how unfair you’ve been treated. You lived on a boom not backed up by anything but hot air. The balloon is busted, and it was you and the promises of an ever expanding state that has lead into that mess. You can try to learn or don’t. It’s up to you, so choose wisely….

Completely actual

t’s unbelievable what politicians come along these days. Till now every „plan“ (should I dare to name it that way) was put into pieces. And they still do not get it. The problem is not too less money, too less political influence and the like. There’s just on thing really too less. Personal responsibility. As long as the plans just do everything to minimize that, they will sink Billions and trillions of money, till they can’t do any more.

The people having robbed out the majority, must stand to their responsibility and give back. Currently everything is done to keep them „at the top“. That’s bad, how can anyone expect normal people building trust if they see how those people for the „get rich fast“ won’t pay to have their bill.

So is the bottom reached. It’s not even in sight. For Germany I predict we’ll test the DAX lows from 2003 or so, for the Dow at least 1/3 to 1/2 losses is not that uncertain. Will we see bankrupt states. Well we’ve seen Iceland and we see what happens to Argentina…. Don’t say it can’t happen to larger states. If we in Germany throw out all the money we do not process….

At least we in Germany have experiences state bankruptcy two times in the 20ies century. One after World Word I and the second after Wold War II. Unfortunately our politicians do not take that possibility into account…. with the half billions parachute for banks, we may start outstretching our luck….

Guess when this was written
you can check here Down the drain

The three golden deledef rules

Translated from:

1) a politician never is guilty

2) if a politician is guilty 1) takes immediate precedence

3) if a politician is guilty an lying, it has to be blamed on the markets

Just have a look at a few entries on the mises log in the past few days:
Just an example from Germany, The taxes on fuel are well beyond 70% IIRC they are even near 80%. Who get’s blamed the oil companies. Well they are responsible of 1/3 of the price but
with every cent more the deledefs get 0.7 cent more robbed cents. That’s the „truth“ and no-one can deny it, but the deledefs do over and over again….

Keep that in mind and you have much easier times to understand, their actions.

I like it it subsumes everything nicely what’s happening in EU or US country. Strange enough one does not hear such garbage from Neu Zealand, or Australia. Well the Japanese are
similiar and the Chinese are well „different“. We know the lie (but how does not) but they are culitvating their own bubbled. I can not see a city without population as a good investement..
See e.g:

Shame on you/shame on us

Well there’s the old saying „Trick me once, shame on you, trick me twice shame on me“.

I guess it sounds a bit different in the ears of deledefs. There slogan may be.
„rob you, shame on you“. I have written about the surely illegal actions for Greece and other failout-countries. Fact is the treaty from Lisbon forbids
bailing out, but the deledefs do not care.

Now Greece has even betrayed everyone and corruption is all around. So the money was sunk. I still is going on the billions for „saving“ Greece are „gone“.
The debts still are there, now the raid starts again. This time the debtors should accept lesser debts. So fact is Greece has betrayed, the Greek have robbed every single EU citizen and now we should honor that „betrayal“ with accepting lesser debts. So again wrong is right and right-doers are wrong and have to pay again. This is „justice“ in EU sense.

As written, we rob yous still you are guilty to not support us“.

They know they are wrong-doing, but instead of doing the right things, they put more pressure on everyone and do everything they can do
higher the probability that the „nation“ will stand up against them. They restrict freedom whereever they can an build higher and higher barriers to not get prosecuted…. That’s the „nations“ pride!!!!

What kind of world will our kids see. A world in which betrayal is honored, right doing will get punished. A world where honest work is not honored, it only is a mass for the arbitrariness. Still they will not get any value out-of-nothing. There will not way of printing oneself out of misery. However those having still left some property will have to pay again and again and again…

Why one can not choose for the Greens in Germany

It’s very simple. They are at the bottom against capitalism and even worse they prefer a sort of dictatorship in the name of the „Environment“. But and this should correctly be written BUT
this does not hold for the members of parliament. And wel they want to abolish personal transport and replace it by public transport means. BUT this should not hold for „important“ members of their party. In fact they are flying around with the aviance attendance as every other politicians too. They are also responsible that Germany is among the countries with the highest prices for fuel. Indeed the fact is that around 70-80% is taxed away… This is due to the „fantastic“ work of the Greens. One could live with it but they want to take the rest of freedom away from us, which is left in this socialiced country. Well you can bet if I will choose them ….