Schlagwort-Archive: "political solutions"

von Mises run

well yes there are no good news. There are currently just bad and worse news.

Now it’s the spanish banks, another 100 billion. I wonder from where that money comes. And you know the answer. It comes from new debts and this debts
have to be beard by the tax payers. Oh yes they won’t honestly higher the tax immediately, but the invoice will come. And it’s always those who have and live within
their financial limits, which have to pay. I guess it will be as usually. The inflation will be driven up, the tax is driven up and those not paying taxes will not even recognize, that’s somebody get’s robbed.

The different loosers in the different countries are cheering another looser. Really they tell, what a good thing that Spain takes the EFSF money. Well you can see it’s not the idea of market which prevails. It’s from a to z socialism pure. And every socialist country get bankrupt within around a live span of a man.

And again the best safety net for the savers would have been sound money, and there you have it. The last we get is sound money. We’ll see more money printing, more card houses of debts. I know it’s stupid, people with at least a slight idea on economic thinking know it’s stupid and yet those who know will get overturned by the majority. And as we can see e.g in France the majority just is stupid as wood. I really wonder how the French think Hollande will pay for all “his” promises. They really must think the state is a money spender. And they simply do not get it that it’s robbery which keeps the states afloat. One should not wish bad for others, but I feel it is needed that they suffer under exact the conditions they seem to prefer.

And it’s now starting to get really worse. The banks are bankrupt and the states a bankrupt, and the stupid people still believe the state can steer anything. They are steered and it will show, and the more they deny the facts (money has to be earned) the more devastating the outcome.

Let’s check

how is our race to the bottom doing?

  • Greece is on it’s way to yet another default.
  • If my calculations are right (see: then Spain has to get new debt of 33 -¢ for every Euro they spend. New debts (officiall numbers) around 34 billions. Now they have to offer 6.5 % for new money. How “unfair”
  • Extra implicit debt of the USA 200 trillions. That seems to get a tough one

In short the race is almost run. Currently leading Greece, Spain, Italy. But the followers are not that far of. And what do we get from our politicians? “Everything’s under contro” and yet (strange enough) the new suggestions for “solving” the problems are following in a minutes distance. Could it be that “panic” time is starting? All the suggestions just complete the mess. More power, more debt and more regulation. That’s all there is, be it in Euro Land. USA or China. Just see some newspapers or probably better blogs….

“Political” solutions

Now in Germany we’re speaking of the “summertime hole”. That’s saying the politics stops during the holiday season.
This time it was world championship season also. And so before going to their not-deserved holiday, they just “solve” something
the usual political way. And they make a law, which they said they won’t do. And they just will take away more money for keeping their
unsustainable “healt-care system” going.

The US will learn the hard way that Obamacare is pandora’s box. And this will proof to be wrong even in the literal sense. As you might know while opening that box
disease sprang into life, it’s unbelievable how true this has proved in our “health-care-systems”. Just see nearly everyone is “ill” in some way and the disease industry is always hard working (with success) to claim that even more are “ill” and need “therapy”. And this more of course has to be paid for.

In Germany the irony is that the people who stick in the “lawfull health funds”, do never see the costs associated with visitis to the doctor. Now you can imagine how
this is treated. Nothing could be too expensive (in theory).

Our system is regulated in such bizarre ways that Orwell would have used it as model for this 1984 book (if he had just known it).

Anyway it fits the usual political way. “If there is a trouble spot, the answer always has to be mo’ politics.”

And so there are figures for everything. You are allowed to “use up” 5 Minutes for talking to the patien, another minute to do that, 30 seconds for that, you got it.

It’s burocrats land of plenty.