Schlagwort-Archive: when comes the end

von Mises run

well yes there are no good news. There are currently just bad and worse news.

Now it’s the spanish banks, another 100 billion. I wonder from where that money comes. And you know the answer. It comes from new debts and this debts
have to be beard by the tax payers. Oh yes they won’t honestly higher the tax immediately, but the invoice will come. And it’s always those who have and live within
their financial limits, which have to pay. I guess it will be as usually. The inflation will be driven up, the tax is driven up and those not paying taxes will not even recognize, that’s somebody get’s robbed.

The different loosers in the different countries are cheering another looser. Really they tell, what a good thing that Spain takes the EFSF money. Well you can see it’s not the idea of market which prevails. It’s from a to z socialism pure. And every socialist country get bankrupt within around a live span of a man.

And again the best safety net for the savers would have been sound money, and there you have it. The last we get is sound money. We’ll see more money printing, more card houses of debts. I know it’s stupid, people with at least a slight idea on economic thinking know it’s stupid and yet those who know will get overturned by the majority. And as we can see e.g in France the majority just is stupid as wood. I really wonder how the French think Hollande will pay for all “his” promises. They really must think the state is a money spender. And they simply do not get it that it’s robbery which keeps the states afloat. One should not wish bad for others, but I feel it is needed that they suffer under exact the conditions they seem to prefer.

And it’s now starting to get really worse. The banks are bankrupt and the states a bankrupt, and the stupid people still believe the state can steer anything. They are steered and it will show, and the more they deny the facts (money has to be earned) the more devastating the outcome.

A few calculations II

“This time for the debt growth rate in Germany. I cite :
“Als Zahl:! Die deutsche Statsverschuldung hat sich seit 1990 damit vervierfacht, von ”

translation the overall debt id 2 080 000 000 000. Well that is high but more impressing
we have four times the debts from just 21 years ago.

If we’d have in 21 year each year an expansion of 3.5% extra debts we just would have doubled our debts. So in fact
the debts have risen around nearly 7%. And that is “more than” ugly.

And that are “official” numbers. Not included are the to be expected pension payments for public servants. Because this is unique just to states. They do not have to pay into
some sort of pension funds. And so all the forthcoming pensions have to be paid from the current budget.

Even if the interest rates are on historical lows in nearly any developed country such kind of debt growth is “unbearable”. If we calculate with an average of 2.5% BIP growth. The economy has grown
at around 51 % but the debts have risen nearly 200%. So there is a gap and this gap will get larger and larger and the the day comes when this gap will be too big to be filled. The question is just when not
“if” any longer….