Schlagwort-Archive: unkeepable promises

If I could give you but one suggestion

on how to escape the greedy hands of states. It would be:

Don’t buy any bonds of states.

This is what you can decide, an no state can force you to do it. If you think the bonds of states are safe. You really do not have lived and read anything the last
4 years. Then I just can tell you, go ahead, buy your „safe“ state Bonds.

Anyway if you have seen the actions of the last few years, you have no choice. Any bond you buy is a contract which harms our neigbbor and not the state. You can beleive me there
can be not better thing to do than harm states. They will send you to war with a smile. They will name you „hero“ if you are killed. Words are cheap in this regard.

So first guideline for investing. Don’t believe states, and don’t give them your money voluntarily.

Interesting days

Yesterday it was a interesting day at the stock exchange in Germany. Up 1.7 or so %. That’s quite a mark. However it was fuels by the „hope“ or „certainty“ that there will be new payments for Greece.
So that is interesting. Although it’s getting more and more obvious that Greece will default. The hope there is still, that „more“ money will help. We can see this superstition is undying. So we climb up the cliffs
a little higher. And we seem to think it doesn ot matter how deep the fall. One will survive. Sure even after the Euro people will live and it’s to be expected that the deledefs will live off the fat of the land.

The result will be more and more will get poor. Hardly anyone will be saved. We currently live like if there is no tomorrow, and probably for many there won’t be one. But still some of us have children and they may see it
a bit different. But currently we do have party. And read my last blogs where I ask what are the signs? The signs for the „ending“ of this biggest bubble/bust circle ever since around 90 years. Americas unemployment rate is nearing 12 %, we here in Germany are currently lowering our unemployment rate. This probably will change dramatically if the defaults will get unavoidable.

There are also attacks on the purse from every side. And especially from areas where the truth can not be found in any current figures. Just in a few side-notes. We’ll have a giant promise of the pension payments in front of us. We’ll see
extreme raises in day and night care for the elderlies. There are less and less working productive and really „serving“ the wishes and needs of men. And more and more will get sunk in bureaucrats excesses. So you can see I’m not very optimistic about the raising „notations“ at the stock exchanges. I’m afraid it just will up in more misery day-by-day.

small additon for 01.06.2011. It has gone nearly as much down as up yesterday.