Schlagwort-Archive: what to do

If I could give you but one suggestion

on how to escape the greedy hands of states. It would be:

Don’t buy any bonds of states.

This is what you can decide, an no state can force you to do it. If you think the bonds of states are safe. You really do not have lived and read anything the last
4 years. Then I just can tell you, go ahead, buy your „safe“ state Bonds.

Anyway if you have seen the actions of the last few years, you have no choice. Any bond you buy is a contract which harms our neigbbor and not the state. You can beleive me there
can be not better thing to do than harm states. They will send you to war with a smile. They will name you „hero“ if you are killed. Words are cheap in this regard.

So first guideline for investing. Don’t believe states, and don’t give them your money voluntarily.

What can you do to end the misery?

Well you may ask (I asked more than once 😉 what you can do to end the misery.
If you ask which misery, this entry is not for your. It’s for those you think we should do as much harm to the current system of vermin.

Can we really do something against them? Yes. We can, we can’t with votes that’s for sure. At least in Germany the congressman can do whatever they want
during their active time. Even if you won’t choose for them they might have a place on the party list. Will say if you vote for CDU you will get Merkel even if they just get 10 % because she probably
is first or among the first on the party list. So harming inept deledefs is a thing you can forget here in Germany.

You can try to vote for another party. But the only parties we have a social democratic to socialists. There’s not really any choice for non-left-minds.

So far so bad, but they have a big decades long problem. They do not have enough money, for all their undertakings and so they need the trust in states as debtors. And that is where we really can do something.
The simplest thing is not to by any bonds of any government any more. Is that a loss? No hardly, you can buy bonds of corporations. And this is what everyone should do. Buying real values via equities. (I suggest not buying equties of banks because the work with government to make the savers the idiots. So you can buy shares or bonds of everything in industry, farming etc.

This is what I’ve done some years ago: And because I’ve no bonds of any government I do not have any loses. So that’s seems to be a good deal. The other think I suggest do do is buying real values. Your money can be inflated, the real values only to small extends maybe even not at all.

You should also write to every congressmen that he/she should work on abolishing the central banks and go back to money as value not money as debt. They will not give in voluntarily but just keep the pressure up and one day they will have to agree. Sound money is the base for sound business and vs. you can not have a sound business without sound money.