Schlagwort-Archive: waste

If I could give you but one suggestion

on how to escape the greedy hands of states. It would be:

Don’t buy any bonds of states.

This is what you can decide, an no state can force you to do it. If you think the bonds of states are safe. You really do not have lived and read anything the last
4 years. Then I just can tell you, go ahead, buy your “safe” state Bonds.

Anyway if you have seen the actions of the last few years, you have no choice. Any bond you buy is a contract which harms our neigbbor and not the state. You can beleive me there
can be not better thing to do than harm states. They will send you to war with a smile. They will name you “hero” if you are killed. Words are cheap in this regard.

So first guideline for investing. Don’t believe states, and don’t give them your money voluntarily.

The usual stupidity

of politician sorry deledefs.

This time in the name “of saving mother nature”. This times by mean of bioful. According to this:

One needs more energy to produce bioful than it yields. I guess this should be the political counterpart of a perpetual mobile.

I guess nothing can be too expensive or stupid to ruin the whole mankind. This time we need more energy than before to have even more CO2 produced in the name
of CO2 reduction. Now tell me anything about stupidity.

Strange enough my predictions bear fruit. I told we can expect raising prices, and yes we have raising prices. But in the land of arbitrariness through the concept of core inflation. This is not counted as inflation. So the defrauders conceil their wrong-doings. Or even simpler, the raising prices are due to speculation. And fighting against speculation allowes for even more
laws to “fight” the bad speculants. And so spiral towards the abyss. More bureaucracy means more waste and more wrong-doing. And there is no correction for it because bureaucracy is just supervises by itself. The way is chrystal clear… Anyone but deledefs can see it…..

Getting the figures straight

Just found. The assets of the Deutsche Bahn are estimated at around 150 Mrd EUR. Now let’s assume the DB is there now for 60 years.

The new debts of German in 2019 are 100 Mrd (currently, still open to higher values, unlikely to be lower). So our Politicians just destrory something 

the Germans have paid for 60 years in just 2 years. This is so unbelievable that I hope someone can proof this figures wrong.

And again we have robber : people 100 :0….