Schlagwort-Archive: who's to pay?

If I could give you but one suggestion

on how to escape the greedy hands of states. It would be:

Don’t buy any bonds of states.

This is what you can decide, an no state can force you to do it. If you think the bonds of states are safe. You really do not have lived and read anything the last
4 years. Then I just can tell you, go ahead, buy your „safe“ state Bonds.

Anyway if you have seen the actions of the last few years, you have no choice. Any bond you buy is a contract which harms our neigbbor and not the state. You can beleive me there
can be not better thing to do than harm states. They will send you to war with a smile. They will name you „hero“ if you are killed. Words are cheap in this regard.

So first guideline for investing. Don’t believe states, and don’t give them your money voluntarily.

Why one can not choose for the Greens in Germany

It’s very simple. They are at the bottom against capitalism and even worse they prefer a sort of dictatorship in the name of the „Environment“. But and this should correctly be written BUT
this does not hold for the members of parliament. And wel they want to abolish personal transport and replace it by public transport means. BUT this should not hold for „important“ members of their party. In fact they are flying around with the aviance attendance as every other politicians too. They are also responsible that Germany is among the countries with the highest prices for fuel. Indeed the fact is that around 70-80% is taxed away… This is due to the „fantastic“ work of the Greens. One could live with it but they want to take the rest of freedom away from us, which is left in this socialiced country. Well you can bet if I will choose them ….