Schlagwort-Archive: land of plenty?

Reputation of the Fed

Well I just can conclude it sinks faster than ever for me.

Now they want to stick to their program of printing money. And well if you have savings you got robbed day by day, monthy by month year by year. The inflation raises (just remember: And more an more of them are getting real

We’re not yet in the common over 4% inflation rate, but just in a few areas. The politicians start blaming whomever for „unfairness“. Especially unfair are those more successfull ones. Subsedies are paid
but do not yield the proper cash-flow. And the large corporations do whatever they can to not pay taxes (I wished everyone could afford the tax specialists of this corporations). And so the government does not get any earnings and starts printing money. With the „circle of „money““. The government issues bonds, the feds buys this bonds and the new money is spend in anything having some worse. Inflation raises and so on.

I doubt that ever in history a failure of a world champion has happened in such short time. In just 3 years the USA turns from a free system in a government controlled nightmare. They overextend their means and are now paying dearly, but currently the deledefs lovers „gain“. And I’d not be suprised to see more of them buying land. I bet they are preparing for the after-crash. And then they will claim themselves to be the „true“ americans. The question is are thieves the „true“ americans or aren’t they?

Maybe not all is lost at least some states remember what value means. And maybe this will save them. We just have to wait and see what the bureaucrats in washington and everywhere will do….

Oh yeah

That’s an awful message:

You can not produce where you want any longer? Or how else does one has to understand it.

Well one can see it the US is deledefs land of plenty….

Maybe it’s just an example on the how bad subsedie really are. I’m not sure, I can not see why the government should sink money in Boeing. But if they did and
Boeing just tooks the money well then I can understand the troubles. But it would be easy to fix. Just ask Boeing to pay back the subsedies….

However one might see it. It’s big business and big government and both usually are catastrophes in itself. Put them together and it’s fourth as worse…

Very interesting

As I understand even if the government won‘ t pay you still have all our obligations. So you have to go to work and do whatever you did
just for nothing. Wow that’s nice for the government and bad for the government paid workers. I guess they will have to pay their bills. But no governments
do not have to.

Do I find that disgusting? You can bet

I’ve something else for you

You don’t like it? Well you can bet, me too not. But that’s „justice“ the deledefs way. Lie and earn big, do wrong and earn big. akt irresonsible and earn big. And let the stupid citizens pay for you…

The ever ending story?

I wonder when will we be relieved? Will we ever see the day where debts will not be glorfied? Will we ever come back to serious earning money by providing goods and services, or will we also get
hindered by bureaucrats?

This time Portugal has successfully raised new debts. Is this a success?

Well I ask you if you have 100 000 EUR debts and get another 10 000 is that a success?

Too much debt is the disease not the cure, but who but austrian oeconimics do get that.

I’m sure, the country first to ban debts and introduce real money, will be the land of plenty for „normal“ people it will be hell for „bureaucrats , politicians“ or short deledefs.

What land of plenty would you prefer?

Why one can not choose for the Greens in Germany

It’s very simple. They are at the bottom against capitalism and even worse they prefer a sort of dictatorship in the name of the „Environment“. But and this should correctly be written BUT
this does not hold for the members of parliament. And wel they want to abolish personal transport and replace it by public transport means. BUT this should not hold for „important“ members of their party. In fact they are flying around with the aviance attendance as every other politicians too. They are also responsible that Germany is among the countries with the highest prices for fuel. Indeed the fact is that around 70-80% is taxed away… This is due to the „fantastic“ work of the Greens. One could live with it but they want to take the rest of freedom away from us, which is left in this socialiced country. Well you can bet if I will choose them ….

Money without worth no more?

Have you ever considered, why inflation is accepted as something inevitable? Well guess again, it’s not inevitable. Check out the diverse books form von Mises,
Hayek, Friedman and you can see why inflation is the every day robbery of those having control over the money. Even a simple line of deduction can tell you, inflation is
very gladful accepted by well you can say every politician. How comes? Well it devaluates the money. And so if the governements want credit, they issues some bonds. Some of them are very long running (up to 30 years). Now agreed they have to pay interest on it. But if we asssume an inflation rate of 2 % the value of the bond is nearly halfed in value after thos 30 years. So the other half was stolen. And remember you have to pay taxes on the interest also. So if we assume just 1/3 of tax on interest and have a nominal interest rate of 4%, and a „nominal“ inflation rate of just 2% then the calculation is. You have to pay 1.2% of taxes on your intereste 2% is stolen from it so you are left with „astonishing“ 0.8% „gain“. Well you can imagine how nice governements found this kind of stealing. They blame everything else for the inflation rate. But they want more an more credit. Saving in this context does not mean putting aside money, but issuing less credit than the normal BIP grows. This again ist simply a plain lie.

Inflation must not happen. Just imagine the following scenario.
– Reserves are not longer allowed (what does it mean?) Well if you have a reserve rate of 10% you just need 10 Currency Units to lend 100 Currency Units. And well a Bond on one side is an asset on the other side. The other banks lends’s another one the money and see money appears out of the nowhere. No imagine a 100% Reserver. That means you can not lend more than you really have. This is the „normal“ situation for anyone not bank. If you own 1000 Currency Units you can not suddenly borrow 10000 Units. With such a „simple“ approach, all the fuzz which has happened wouls simply vanish, and „too big! to fail can not happen. It’s really as simple as that but no one in the policits and especially the federal reserve banks won’t work on that simple solutions. They will insist on just another few layers of control. And well you can bet who has to pay for it.

– Now imagine a constant money supply. How can anyone get „richer“?. Well for that to see in front of you just check the IT industry. Since their beginnning they have to cope with falling prices. Now if the money supply is constant but the prices do fall everyone get’s richer one day after the other. This would be savers paradise. You know if you just keep your money, you’ll be richer tomorrow and this is reality. But no in the this system would stat it that clearly as long as they are „on duty“. Just see the remaks of Greenspun about gold backed money. Before his time, he was in it. After he get chef, he started printing money.
You may ask how can something grow beyond than? Well it’s „easy“, if something new comes along (like computers) people suddenly start buying these kind of things and are of course demaning less of anything else. And so even with a constant money supply growth can take place. It would be sustainable growth. This piling up of „securities“ as we have seen it just „wishful-thinking“ and unsustainable.

You could choose for a much better future of us all putting pressure on the politicians and bureaucrats. Just demand one thing. „stable money“. If you insist on it and will not get them along with ther lies, you won’t e held hostage for THEIR faults any more…. The only trouble with it is that we MUST comply, otherwise they send us someone along with a gun in his/her hand. Arguing in front of such is simply stupid, if you’re dead or locked away you can not „do anything“ no more. And this is the most depressing news. Your own governement just is nothing more than a Kidnapper. If you do not believe me. Well try the following things. Don’t pay no tax anymore…., try to start digging for something of vale on your own ground, do not accept money issued by the governement no more but insist on anything else. Well you’d better be prepared of some stay on in of the „nice“ prisons of your country. So fact is there is a layer you’ve to feed with any money you accept or spend. So if you buy anything for some currency units, you pay for those making your live difficult…. It’s perfect system of exploitation. And well they all live from your money….

what happens if failure is not an option any more?

I wonder, how can things work if failure is not option any more. Please tell me how could it be that a „bank“, too large to fail, is allowed to persist. Is it better to drive a whole country bankrupt? Just imaginge the following numbers 145 billions have been sunk into HRE, the saving of all Germans in 2009 should have been 189 Billions. That means nearly all our savings from (around 80 milliion people) have been burned. How sustainable do you think is that?

I’m afraid a big catostrophy is overdue. What do you think if let’s say DB and CB will get into deeper trouble. We simply can not affort it. So are politicians to be allowed to bring that much harm over us? Well in Germany there is oath to save the population for harm. But what do they do they drove us down the road to perdition. I’m really wondering if we can start fighting them, because they are working against or base law. (the „Grundgesetz“)

How is that different with the US. Isn’t Obama, and Bernanke harming the Americans over any before known bound?

Think about what it means that failure is not an optoin any more. What about responsibility than? There is no „too big“ to fail. Even countries have failed and they will fall again in the not to distant future if they allow overtaking all corporations just because they are supposed „to big to fail“. Can you imagine the smash if the US will go down the drain? Just compare that to a failure of all the overtaken businesses. What will harm more people?