Schlagwort-Archive: stupid lies

It does not make sense

to read the comments on price development at least for Gold. I tend to day it does not make sense at all to expect anything of worth from stock “experts”.

Can one talk about a down for gold if it’s moving just 0.5%? Well I think no. And what’s worse, this opinions must make your head spin. Ask yourself has anything changed
the last two days which really can have any big influence of the prices?

Well Greece will get more money, money that we don’t have and if the states want to give it away they just can do on one way. More debts. So again we see some new bonds in any form
and well these bonds may get bought. At least not from me but that’s unimportant. Some banks probably will add some “risk-free” bonds of states to their bad debts of states. We have not heard of a bigger QE or the like and so not much has changed really. And indeed the prices just floats around a bit. That’s it.

And still you can read “cut back” for gold, the other day it’s gold on the raise and the explanations are not even a thing worth laughing. So just ignore it and ask yourself a few question. Do you think money printing does matter? Do you think the debt crisis was solved at least a bit? Do you expect the states doing something or nothing. That are the base questions.

I for my part have answered the questions this way. Money printing does matter it inflates the money base and will lead sooner or later to devaluation of the currencies. So if you want to save your money somehow you probably are not doing much wrong with some precious metals. It was nothing solved also. The debts are still raised and the stupidity of believing one could fill one while digged by debt with other debt is as insane as can be. However what I don’t know will the people consume much less? I’m sure the privates people will I do not expect anything like saving from states. They will raise the taxes for their endless appetite. for money. So will the bankrupt distort the currencies immediately or later? We simply do no know. But we do know Gold will always have some price, it scarce and people know that gold is money. So still some precious metals are a good idea. Now will states stop interventions? No they will not, they will extend the “control” (well as I wrote yesterday or so, this is just the imagination of control, states can not control much theses days) The sheer amount of debts is devastating. So what will happen I can not imagine a sane approach. So I just think the money printing will get on and so I’m back to “the case for gold”.

I’m quite sure they will consider making private gold holdings illegal again. But don’t think this will happen world-wide and still in this case I have at least some “confidence” that the highest courts will rule out the expropriation. That may just be wishful thinking but it’s the only chance we have. So having gold in your own country and abroad is proably one of the better and more intelligent things to do and have. And if you see it that way there is no excuse not having at least some gold. I have take my share of it, and I speculate that I’m right on this. Well I base my confidence on the work of the economists of the austrian school. And I think this is the safest bet you can have. Nobody else has pointed out the maniac behavior of the states and all they told and written has come true. That’s now true for more than 100 years, and as long as man has to do economics, this will not change. Yes agreed they are not explicit pro Gold but they do know Gold has worked as money and there’s not reason that is should not in the future… So do you want money? Take gold or other precious or not so precious metals.

Don’t you think

it’s time for a change in the US (amont every other developed country in the world)

Ain’t you Americans so proud of “law and order”?

Now tell me why don’t you stand up for law and just stick ot order(s)? Why are you not standing up for your freedom?

Think about it you have voted for democrats or republicans for ages. Does it have done any good for you?

If the answer is no, wouldn’t it be time to change your voting habits? As I remember you can vote every 5 years or so. It does not matter
how worse your current president is, You always can get rid of them. Wouldn’t it be time to get rid of Obama and all this deledefs?

Why not give Ron Paul a chance. He stands at least for the constitution and civil rights. Wouldn’t that be an option one could try?

And it’s highest time to take back your money from your deledefs. So how about a new gold backed Dollar? Think about it. Would the banks be bailed out
for “real” value? If the answer is no, why do you still believe in paper money?

So I don’t know what you think but I think yes it’s time for a change…

Why don’t they get it?

Or maybe one should write, why do they do not learn?

More and more european countries want that the EZB starts printing even more money. Well let me ask just one question? What does the US citizens have gained with
their fed printing money? Or what have the GB citizen gained?

Just to give you an idea GB will need new debt of around 100 billions. Now tell me about insanity. Of course the money is not there, and the
government is not able to cut down on it’s expenses? Now tell me about addiction. It should help someone drinking to drink yet another few liters of alcohol a day?
Well is the goal to die early? Or earlier? Or should one get beyond this addiction and get back a life?

Well for alcoholics the goal is getting of the drug. Why should it be different for governments? Their one and only problem since 5 decades is that they were not able to
get along without new debts and what are new bonds? Sugar? No even more of the same debts. So that is insane.

The US and GB and all other countries must come down from their addiction to new credits. No debts not problems. And for us it means we must do everything to not provide the
additives with new stuff. Just do not buy bonds, just insist on sound money. That’s the best for everyone (but parasites) .

Another sentence for “I’m stupid”

I wonder really what this “occupy wall street” guys want to tell me. Don’t the be ashamed of what they do?.

Who has made the bailout-packages?

Who has mad the laws under which banks have to work?

Who is printing money as there will be no tomorrow.

Who has trillions of debts all-over-the-world?

It’s everyones right to say I’m a stupid one, but hey I’m in the majority. And so even if I’m stupid I can not be wrong.

I wish them all the poverty they deserve. We’ll see what happens if market will be strangled to death. I bet they will go unofficial while visiting black (oh suprise) markets just to survive… I really wish them all the worse they’re wishing for.

How deep is the trouble (Greece)?

Well it’s difficult these times to get some non mainstream reports on Greece. It’s impossible to find much critique in any german newspaper or magazine.

But there are few side remarks borrowed at the end of some articles sometimes, and one can get a little bit more infromaton on the Neue Züricher Zeitung. (Which fails unfortunatly miserable on Swiss affairs)

So this are the information I gathered. Today in the BNN. The greek government has calculated with 30 billions extra taxes, now is was reported. The supposed payers are owned by the Greece state and most of them are bankrupt!!! 30 billions means that this money simply is lacking in the “income” of the Greece state. With the information from here:
Greece Gdp 240 billons
Income (taxes) 75 billions
Expenses 105 billions
new debts30 billions.

Well just double the debts with this, and we are in the region of new debts well above 20%, of the GDP. Which still is shrinking. If anyone can see this as sustainable, I’m afraid he should see ones doctor.

Another information from the NZZ stated. That even after a year, the government does not know how many really do work in government or government owned corporations. Now this is a another bummer.
Add to this that the calculate with more than 25% of the working population, is working for government (currently known) and you see how deep their troubles are.

In fact all the figures they’ve come up with are not even guess work, just wishful thinking. So m conclusion is Greece is completly messed up. There is no way that they even will be able to pay more than 20% or of their debt. So in fact the 300 billions of debt must be depreciated to maybe 30 or so billions. So a definitive loss for the creditors of 90%. I’ll bet neither Sarkozy nor Merkel will mention it. So fact is the money we gave to Greece is lost.

My conclusion is harsh but simple: “Game over”. There’s no way Greece can get out of this without a terrible loss of anything. I’m afraid poverty will be the logical consequence. Because the young Greeks won’t find any work in Greece, they will emmigrate. And the GDP will shrink even more. Because of the irresponsibility of the “leading” Greeks, we’ll see what may happen to us. During the great depression, states do not had have anything like that many debts as we’ve before. Imagine the interest payments….

I can not quantify is as anything but devastating. The state of Greece will not survive (at least not in this form), I won’t exclude a military coup.