Archiv für den Monat: Juli 2011

Do you like Thriller?

With an open end? Or are a fan of horror movies? Now I’ve found something for you:

Do you feel the cold of death? Or do you fell hells heat? Well whatever it is pray that this chart changes soon.

Or if you are against government as I am pray that the State goes bankrupt. It will be on of the ugliest things you ever will imagine, But then “markt” will be the only
thing left to survive. I just can tell you see the problems we Germans had. And we got a really good revival. But now we are following the US to our own bankrupt.

Yes savings are now starting and yes that is good, but still there is too much debt in the developed countries. What will happen if the money will be used for buying things?
You can see the assets are rising but are they raising because of good business? That’s the question.

I found two very different videos on youtube about it:


We must also keep in mind the Fed has pumped literally tons of money into the economy. They name it the quantitative easing. But the Fed has accepted securirties which do not deserve that name.
And the banks surely have not lend overly much of the money but the bought bonds and I bet assets. So a question not answered to met yet is. How much of the raising stock prices is due to money looking for profitable investment and how much is really driven by more profits from the corporations. AFAIKT is the unemployment rate still raising.

A profitable recovery looks a bit different to me.

So I’m afraid the recovery still seems to be debt driven and not profit driven. So in my judgment peter Schiffer may lie but there still is no recovery but the money is driving up all the prices. So the higher stock markets are currently bubbled and not sustainable. I don’t know if this will change the next months. But because of all the hampering of free markets I’m not very optimistic. And I just can see the signs that inflation is a problem and this of course is due to the insane printing of money. But the FED never ever will admit that. It’s everything else but the loose money policy of the FED. It’s the greedy bankers, the speculators and everything else. And even if it’s worse now it would be even more worse without all the “actions” That’s the fed way and you can not reject it. The unemployment may be even higher without all the interventions and so they are “good”. But is that really true?

I’m afraid it will get worse and worse, there comes the day the bonds will mature and then? There will come the day where the asset bubbles will bust…. I just can repeat myself, don’t trust government. If you do you’ll be among the first losers… Do not buy anything but values yet. Do not buy any bond of the US or you’ll be sorry. That’s my opinion, feel free to decide differently.

Some misconceptions from the Greens

I know what I’m writing here is heresy. At least it is for the supposed to rule us well deledefs in Germany. Anyway here we go

Now can we rely on actual an currently working renewable energy? Well the depressing answer is “no”. We can’t . Neither wind nor sun is guaranteed to work every day, every hour. So we always will have strong up-and-downturns. There is not denying there are those gray days where neither one see the sun nor feel the slightest movement of air. And there will always be those day where the sun is burning and the wind storming.

Can we follow this variability. I’m afraid that won’t work either. So no we simply are not that variable with our needs.

So what can we do then? Can we store the electricity. Well to depressing low level yes we can. It might work e.g to keep my computer running with a large enough battery which may keep the currency even for a week or so. Can we do the same for let’s say melting steel? Well no, there is not way of storing away big masses of energy. Yes agreed you can warm water with it and you may use this water to make electricity again. But this really is a big loss and currently nothing on a large scale is available.

So the current unpleasant but nonetheless truth is. We have no reliable way storing away electricity. That’s a simple fact of life which nobody can change immedieatly, so currently if we’d have 100 GW renewable energy we need another 100 GW “traditional” energy, be it gas, coal, oil, nuclear power. So this means we have a need for double the needed energy just in case one half is not available. That is uneconomic to the highest extend, so do we keep all the other conditions the same and let us assume one 1 KWH costs 20 ct. Then we need double the price for one KWH just being able to satisfy our current need for currency.

The other option just can’t be needing half the energy. But that does nor work for electricity. So with all mean the Greens are working against the objective reality, and how should that work? The simply answer is it hadn’t, doesn’t and never will (long term) So either we find a way storing electricity or we must limit other outputs from the industries which have to “be” the reserves. In both cases we need at best double the prices of today. And you can bet hardly anyone will jump on the idea having double his expenses for the same output just because the Greens ignore reality

Ein Vorschlag zur Krisenlösung

Ich schlage vor entweder Deutschland oder Griechenland verlässt die Währungsunion. Im Augenblick präferierte ich die Lösung wir gehen. Dann bringen wir mal unser Haus in Ordnung bevor wir unsere Hausordnung anderen “auf’s Auge drücken”. Griechenland braucht sich dann auch nicht mehr über uns beschweren, wir sind halt nicht mehr da.

Wie sähe meine “Hausbestellung aus”.
a) Wir führen eine Goldmark ein
b) Wir setzen Kirchhoffs Steuermodell um (idealerweise noch ergänzt um eine Möglichkeit festzulegen für was wir bereit sind Steuern zu bezahlen)
c) Wir nehmen den Parteien Ihre herausragende Stellung und versuchen es mal mit “Demokratie”.
d) Wir entlassen die meisten Bürokraten. Es gibt mehr als genug in Deutschland zu tun, da brauchen wir nicht noch künstliche Hindernisse um eben diese Sachen zu erledigen

Wenn wir dann zum Sanierungsfall werden sollten können wir uns ja immer noch mal wieder bei der EU einklinken. Denn offenbar ist es ja besser ein Sanierungsfall zu sein als selbständig und die Leistungen der EU sind reziprok zu den wirtschaftlichen “Erfolgen” eines Landes.

Sollen wir wie erwartet einen Aufschwung ohne gleichen erleben wäre es an der Zeit uns eine Verfassung zu geben die es anderen Ländern erlaubt uns beizutreten. Wir haben dann eben mehrere EU Zonen und können mal sehen was besser funktioniert der Zentralismus und die Parteidiktatur der heutigen EU oder eine EU die auf “freiwillige” Zusammenarbeit setzt und hier alle Hindernisse aus dem Weg schafft.

Ich hätte auch kein Problem damit sagen wir Deutschland in zwei teile aufzuspalten in dem einmal unsere derzeitigen Politiker “geparkt” werden könnten und in dem anderen Teil setzen wir einfach mal a-d um. Jeder kann sich dann “sein” Deutschland aussuchen was ihm eher zusagt.

Meines Erachtens eine ausnehmend faire Lösung, schadet zwar den Ambitionen der Delebets aber das find ich nun mal gut(tm)


was anderes kann man nicht schreiben. Endlich nimmt sich das Bundesverfassungsgesetz die versenkten Gelder für Griechenland an.

Leider heute mal wieder getrübt über ein m.E. Neiddebatte von Leuten die Ihr Geld immer vom Staat bekommen und daher offensichtlich dazu tendieren alles vom Staat kommende zu gutieren und Markt ist das Böse schlechthin. Rayson hat sich heute dazu ausgelassen

Another 12 billions on their way

The highest court in Germany will start “thinking” about the lawsuits tomorrows. This were initiated a year ago before the first money was transferred. Just imagine you know a defrauder, he is caught and one year “nothing” happens. That’s the situation of the “greece helpers”. It’s illegal, it’s against the no-bailout clause. and guess what nobody cares.

In fact Germany violates the treaties for the Eu convergence critera. Just hat anyone can remember. 1) not more than 60% debt of the GDP, b) not more than 3% new deficits a year. Nearly no-one fullfilles this things and what happens? Exactly nothing. Greece is beyond 150% new debt of the GDP and probably that’s the most after Japane which over 200% debt /GDP.

Just imagine you will among the richest men in Germany with 12 Billions. Probably among the top ten earner. And at the top of this earners Aldi stands. And they exist for now 50 years. So the worth of 50 years of work and service to the people gone today. For scammers. And still the same responsible for the scam are in charge in Greece. Everything they have done was lying and stealing but giving them more money is without alternative?

Entlarvende Infamie

Frage nicht, was der Staat für dich tun kann, sondern was du für den Staat tun kannst!“ (Zitat von John F. Kennedy)

Besser kann man es nicht auf den Punkt bringen. Wieviele Millionen Männer sind dafür als Soldaten ermordet, zerstückelt, zerhackt, zerrissen, verkrüppelt worden? Wieviele Millionen Frauen Kinder und alte Menschen sind verhungert, zerbombt, vergewaltigt, ermordet worden?

Kennedy wird als “strahlender” Politiker dargestellt, dabei war das einzige Gute was er je beschloss sich in der Kubakrise nicht den Diktatoren aus der Sowjetunion und Kuba zu beugen.

Ansonsten kann man die negativen Auswüchse dies ja schon fast faschistischen Aufrufs. Was sonst als die Antwort “Führer wir folgen Dir” gäbe eine “überzeugendere” Antwort? Frag’ nicht glaube Deinen Präsidenten oder was auch immer an der Spitze steht und lass dich schlachten.

Lass auch fahren all Deine Hoffnung auf faire Behandlung wenn der Staat es braucht oder vermeint zu brauchen solltest/mußt Du ihm alles opfern.

Eine einfache Frage in die Runde

Wie kann jemand der sich wie auch immer Liberal nennt für den Fortbestand von Zentralbanken und  Geldmonopolen sein? Irgendwie geht mit das nicht in den Kopf.  Hat da irgendjemand Vorschläge?

Gegen Zentralbanken, waren unter anderem diverse Präsidenten der USA, von Mises, Hayek, Friedman und ich weiß nicht noch wieviele andere Liberale. Ich wüsste wirklich von keinem “bekannten” liberalen, der Zentralbanken “gut” fände.

Kann  mir das  irgendjemand von Ihnen weiterhelfen?

suprise suprise

I wrote about the debt race. And how the US and EU battle hard to win this break down.

Now with endless greedy greek Politicians according to “yet another not working fu…. plan” (yanwfp). The EU throw out new well once good money which one can not tell really good any more.
But who cares that it’s illegal who cares that it’s against the own given laws. And still the inevitable will not be unstopped.

Now in the US one state will have to close:

As usual no party is guilty of it. And still they all have agreed upon piling up debts. So in fact none of them is guilty ALONE. They all are guilty. And still they do not have to go to jail. (because of harming everyone lvining in Minessota) no they still are in charge and I guess they will get paid as soon as they re-open their state.

I can not tell any more how fed up I’m of this criminals…. Why the hell have the US the largest prisons and still such thugs as “elits”?