Schlagwort-Archive: FED

2 Fragen, die man stellen könnte/sollte

Die erste Frage: Was bedeutet Amerika zuerst?

Die zweite (entscheidendere) Frage: Was versteht der neue Präsident der USA darunter?

Objektiv gesehen ist es sinnlos in Krieg wo auch immer auf dieser Erde zu ziehen, weil es dort nur um Zerstörung geht ob die Eigene oder die von Anderen ist egal. Objektiv falsch sind auch Handelshindernisse, da sie die Kosten unweigerlich nach oben treiben somit also wohlstandsvermindernd wirken.

Nur subjektiv falsch kann auch objektiv richtig bedeuten. Das Problem von außen, man kennt die subjektiven Werte eines Menschen nicht. Es ist eine Welt die jedem verborgen bleibt, was gerade jemand denkt wenn er irgendetwas sagt kann in die gleiche Richtung gehen es kann das Gegenteil enthalten und es kann eine klare Lüge beinhalten.

So wie es sich derzeit präsentiert sieht es nicht nach einem Rückzug der US-Truppen aus den Konflikten dieser Erde aus. Es sieht auch nicht ao aus als würden Zölle Import / Exportbeschränkungen fallen. Also sieht es für mich objektiv nicht nach „USA zuerst“ aus.

Derzeit sieht es eher danach aus als meinte Trump höhere Kosten für ALLE Verbraucher zum Vorteil viel weniger dort Arbeitenden. Somit also ein Wohlstandsverlust der abgemindert wird durch mehr Kaufkraft im eigenen Land.

Kann ich als Liberaler dafür sein? Die einfache Antwort ist nein. Für Liberale zählt ganz bestimmt nicht das Staatswohl und dem Wohl der Angestellten am stärksten. Sondern für den Liberalen steht der Einzelne im Mittelpunkt. Nur wenn dieser unbehindert und unsanktioniert Seiner Linie folgen kann – solange keine Anderen Linien —  davon negativ berührt werden, kann es ein Liberaler richtig finden. Alle Liberale die vorgeben, daß irgendwelche Gruppeninteressen höher zu stehen haben als der Einzelne sind per Definition keine Liberalen. Sie nennen sich ja selber auch nicht so, dann wird daraus ganz schnell die „sozialen Liberalen“ oder Sozialliberale – siehe FDP.

Es gibt für Liberale nur einen Maßstab kann sich der Einzelne frei entscheiden oder muß er sich auswärtigem Druck beugen? Eine Handelsbschränkung ist etwas was ein Liberaler nie gut heißen kann, egal ob es dem Einzelnen schadet oder nicht, es gilt nur das Friedensgebot. Keinem anderen mit Gewalt etwas aufzwingen – es sei denn dieser andere hat irgendetwas versprochen und will/kann/möchte es nicht halten. Also nehme ich aus einem Geschäft etwas mit ohne zu bezahlen,hat der Geschäftsinhaber das Recht mich solange festzuhalten, bis ich a) das was ich mitnehmen wollte wieder abgegeben habe b) dafür bezahlt habe. Dann besteht für die Andere Seite kein Grund mehr mich aufzuhalen.

Anderes Beispiel: Mein Waffenbesitz schränkt keinerlei Recht Andere ein, darum ist ein derartig reglementiertes Waffenbesitzrecht wie in D Unrecht. Auch hieran wird man auch Trump messen können. springt er auf den Zug Obamas und andere – man muß es so nennen – Gutmenschen —  auf und wird gegen das 2 Amendement vorgehen, ist er objektiv im Unrecht. Und es bring die USA in keinster Weise nach vorne.

Weitere Beispiele: Abschaffung der Zentralbanken wäre ein klares Signal für Amerika zuerst. Dann würde er nämlich den Geldbesitzern den Vorzug vor den Schuldenbenutzern geben kurz Eigentumsrechte akzeptieren und das ist immer ein Vorteil für Alle .Nur wo es Unklarheiten über Eigentum gibt fangen die Konflikte an. Siehe die div. Nachbarschaftsstreite.

Amerika zuerst würde auch bedeuten die Steuern zu minimieren, da Sie das Eigentum schmälern.-  Und dieses Geld wird nicht von denjenigen ausgegeben die es verdient haben sondern von welchen die dafür genau gar nichts getan haben.

Jede Bankenrettung wäre ausgeschlosse, da es der Allgemeinheit ganz und gar nicht nützt dafür bezahlen zu müssen.

Jede Staatsverschuldung muß abgelehnt werden, da hier ganz klar Geschäfte zu Lasten Dritter gemacht werden und zwar den nachfolgenden US-Amerikanern.

Somit kann man objektiv feststellen ob Trump es objektiv richtig macht oder eben seiner subjektiven Einschätzung folgt. Ganz einfacher Maßstab wie liberal wird Trump auftreten? Hier habe ich ganz klare Bedenken gegen Herrn Trump – ich werde es erleben und wenn ich Glück habe auch überleben.

That’s way too ridiciolous

even by lowest standards and even the lowest standard I hold for the FED

The P/E is as high as nearly ever.

So if the the head of the most influential central bank world word, does not get that right. Then we’re sure in tales land.

I still can’t believe what she is saying about it. It’s denying in it’s most cruel-  form.-  And that will fire back, one can be sure about it.

Nothing to add here

1. You can not borrow your way out of debt.
2. You can not spend your way to prosperity.
3. This parts that is being sponsored by the FED will end badly ….very …. very … badly.

Thanks to zerohdege to put is that short.

I wrote here more then once about gold. You must keep in you mind.
One can print as much „money paper or woolcotton notes“ as one which, but you can not get any gram on bread into existence without work. It’s a no brainer to add more notes but it’s impossible to inflate gold….

The new „Fed“ chair leader

Has demasked herself in 1999 with:

“Fed Vice Chairman Yellen laid out what she called the “Yale macroeconomics paradigm” in a speech to a reunion of the economics department in April 1999.

“Will capitalist economies operate at full employment in the absence of routine intervention? Certainly not,” said Yellen, then chairman of President Bill Clinton’s Council of Economic Advisers. “Do policy makers have the knowledge and ability to improve macroeconomic outcomes rather than make matters worse? Yes,” although there is “uncertainty with which to contend.”

see Zerohedge.

Well so you can bet, she’ll print money till it works…. Will it? Ah yes it’s so much better with women because they are so much more capable, aren’t they?

Fed Money at work

What a suprise a new bubble is growing.

According to a German Magazine the prices for land are soaring. Within just a few years a hectare has seen an increase in price from 5000 USD to 30000 USD. That’s a raise or 600 % and you can bet
this is the next bubble. Fueled and fired by the ever expanding credits (called money from the FED). It all happens because of new laws and the mania to subsidy „renewable“ energy. But of course the base for that
all is the zero or below zero interest politic from the FED. In short money printing at work. The Fed sucks

The other big driver is the granting of patent privileges, enforced by the all so loving state. States suck.

The magazine write about the vanishing middle class. What a surprise if you take from the middle to pay the top, they surely will not get richer. Anyway the middle classes believed also in „easy“ money, while using credit for buying houses. Too much credit and now what has happened this bubble has busted. And now they are in trouble, what a surprise. It’s not alone the fault of the authorities (but they have made it so easy to get credits) but also the believing that this could be sustainable. Sorry vanishing middle class you suck also. You’ve build on credit and you get what you deserved. Not needing credit is the way to go for the middle class. Especially not using credit to pay consumption. Sorry guys, credit sucks very badly.

If you trust on credit you trust on hot air. Only real savings yield wealth. That’s the all and ever true way.

Now what’s up Fed?

Isn’t it time for QE IV? You still think you can print yourself out of the misery with even more worthless paper don’t you?

Just one question. Why hasn’t it worked in the past? What’s can be the problem? Are the printing presses to slow?

Well I bet the are not and adding a 0 here or there (what’s that among friends eh), could make us all trillionaires. But still there’s nothing more produced with
any printed cent. Production needs time, (saved money) and effort to get somewhere. A 100 Dollar bill printed today, just costs a few cents but „claims“ to be
a value. How funny is that. I’m printing something on a sheet of paper, use my force monopoly and tell every one that is you value. That’s kind of absurd isn’t it.

Well the whole Fiat-money system is a sham. It’s the modern means of slavery. States demands your work and your income to keep itself going. And what’s the
aim of a state? They tell it’s about safety, security and last but no least justice. Bu in the end it’s a system of exploitation. The productive ones have to work and get hindered every
centimeter on their way. You want to open a business? Go to buraucrats? Maybe there’s even the obligation to see a notary for whatever paper work you are supposed to do, to
offer something. But that’s not all if you start offering a thousands of other laws come into play. And after the thing was produce and sold. Now the paper work goes on. Yes you might do YOU bookkkeping
by yourself also. But you’d do it as you find it useful for you. Stop, you simply can not do that.

You have to obey another few hundreds of laws for book-keeping. And don’t you dare to be „unfair“ (in the meaning of buraucrats). You’d say I’d deduct a car in the year I buyed it. No you don’t you have to obey the guiddlines of yet someone else. The governments tells you what you are allowed to do or not. After that all you get taxed. Again there is not „obvious“ service in return. It’s just that they decide how much you have to pay. and don’t you think two of you are treated equal. Assume the same job, the same in come and you’ll see hardly the same taxes. One may have saved something guess what he has to pay taxes again on this savings.

So in short you are just working for a small part for yourself. The rest is just to keep the vermins going. That’s the modern way of slavery. You are not free to do as wish, you are just free to wish what you long for in the bounds of the „insights“ of government. Just tell me one reason that you have to pay land taxes. It’s you land and you have to pay for it as if it’s not yours? How pleasant, you just have to earn at least so much to pay that. If you don’t your land will not stay you land. It’s robbery or even worse it’s slavery.

I just wish all the parasites that they will get what they deserve. And then they look at you and tel you this plain lie. „We are here to serve you“ It’s exactly the other way round. Correct is.
„It’s so nice that YOU have to serve us“ that’s what they „mean“ and they are not the slightest ashamed of it.


Now dear Readers, if you think there must be an end to ignorance and deception. You have to read the following:

One can see they are absolutely clueless and can’t help but trying to prolong the suffering of a complete and without doubt unsustainable way.

With that Bernanke has now proofed he’s an even bigger defrauder than Greenspan. What will he do if the inflation starts galopping. The prices for food and fuel are nearly running. (Well it’s get a bit better because of the fear of a recession). Anyway they do it again and again and again, making money cheaper and cheaper just to keep this big ponzi-scheme running a bit longer.
We now have negative interest and it’s getting worse. They probably will futher buy securities etc. and printing money..

I always thought some sanity and knowledge must be present even with central bankers, but they’ve prooved me wrong. They are clueless and just panicking. The actions will accelerate the „Untergang“.

Solutions to the mess

the deledefs have put us into:

Introduce sound money. That means „End the Fed“, bind the currency to something of value

Forbid debt for financing governments

If one thinks the state is needed. Introduce one flat tax for financing it.

Stop the subsidies for the diverse parties and look for de-centralism. That means throw out most of the bureaucrats in Washington.
Disallow any agencies like the CIA , NSA etc. And their acting as states in the state. Don’t allow torture.

Keep the greedy hands of bureaucrats out of business. Every intervention of the government is based on but one thing violence. It’s not acceptable that
the state can use that as „base“ for negotiations. It’s the same as if in business one party comes with heavy arms and „suggesting“ a certain kind of contract.. You can comply or you die?

Think about the diverse laws and the highest risk insured. That’s bad, it’s a subsedy for large corporation to live on the expenses of anyone else. Give property right back their „meaning“. That means the share holders must be much more involved in what the managers do.

Could need helping hints

As you have seen in my previous entry, I can not see that a debt ratio of states can be related to GDP.. So I’m looking for a rough idea on how high the prroperty value of the diverse states may be. I know that not all of it is disponible but it’s still is something „owned“ by the states. The GDP is not owned by anyone. It’s just a number of all the work done in a year.

We then see how high the debts are and what will happen if government will have to pay „normal“ interest not this artificial low interest set by the Fed

So any hints are welcome. One I got was: debtclocl of the US….

Reputation of the Fed

Well I just can conclude it sinks faster than ever for me.

Now they want to stick to their program of printing money. And well if you have savings you got robbed day by day, monthy by month year by year. The inflation raises (just remember: And more an more of them are getting real

We’re not yet in the common over 4% inflation rate, but just in a few areas. The politicians start blaming whomever for „unfairness“. Especially unfair are those more successfull ones. Subsedies are paid
but do not yield the proper cash-flow. And the large corporations do whatever they can to not pay taxes (I wished everyone could afford the tax specialists of this corporations). And so the government does not get any earnings and starts printing money. With the „circle of „money““. The government issues bonds, the feds buys this bonds and the new money is spend in anything having some worse. Inflation raises and so on.

I doubt that ever in history a failure of a world champion has happened in such short time. In just 3 years the USA turns from a free system in a government controlled nightmare. They overextend their means and are now paying dearly, but currently the deledefs lovers „gain“. And I’d not be suprised to see more of them buying land. I bet they are preparing for the after-crash. And then they will claim themselves to be the „true“ americans. The question is are thieves the „true“ americans or aren’t they?

Maybe not all is lost at least some states remember what value means. And maybe this will save them. We just have to wait and see what the bureaucrats in washington and everywhere will do….

How does your country handel the GFC?

Well II wrote the troubles with the banks are named that way. The US wants to print out their way out of crises. And they really have an elegant way. The fed issues money and buys
bond from the governement. This is a circle which one can name a masterpiece of insustainability. Well in EU land till 6 or so months ago the only secure bonds which would have been accepted should have some A ranking. Now with Greece over the edge they accept greek bonds as securities. So well printing money does not mean that are is any congruent value. Because all our currencies are just „hot“ air. It does not really matter if you’d spend 100 EUR notes or 10000 bond notes. Well it’s just some figure on paper and printing bigger notes is not difficult. See what Zimbabwe does and you clearly see the problems. They have somthing along a few billion dollar notes, but people are partly starving to death.

It’s because they give money no „value“ and so „value“ avoids them. It’s easy. Ruin ones’s currency is as secure a way to ruin a country as any kind of war.

So the US and EU are ignoring this. We will have to pay the price. If it comes to that, don’t say you havn’t been warned….