Schlagwort-Archive: deledefs

Show your face (the real one)

It’s always interesting to see how Deledefs make their “own” kind of reality. Let’s take using stolen things for something. We can assume it was illegal to send the docs from the diverse places to wikileak. Now we can see interesting reaction: Those publishing that stuff should be jailed or even better killed. The always start babbling about security of whomever. Who has send the soldiers down to Iraque/Afghanistan. Yes indeed the same persons. It is acceptable to harm someone in the name of some artificial construct like a country, but if information is published about the same mission, than this is an unacceptable risk?

Then the very same deldefs accept happily a CD which people supposed not having to pay their (though of “just” taxes). The even have paid for such a CD. The stuff is stolen, but hey it’s government. They can use whatever they get to put more pressure on their own citizens well this name is kindly phrased for subject.

It’s quite interesting, how you can get to such a brain split. Everything coming from government is good, everything else bad? Every one else knows it does not come anything good from government. You get in touch with them, you will have to pay dearly.

But hey the saying is. “It’s sweet to die for you country”. Why don’t the Deledefs do us a favor and take this sweeties?

The climate again

well a bad day for nearly every one but bureaucrats and scientists working on the climate warming. For every other there’s bad news. Now the raise of the temperature should be limited to 2 -° C. That means despite scientific doubts, believing in what the majority thinks was choosen. It does not matter if it really get’s warmer, or if man really is the reason. The message is: “Men is guilty of the warming and warming is good”.

I should want to mention that in Germany there was a big discussion about dieing forests. Well Germany still has it’s forests and despite anything else they are growing, and the surely will grow more if there will be less Germans (or people living here). Another thing quite recently. the ADAC (germans largest automobile club) has found out that the so called “Feinstaubplakette” ( respirable dust) has not made a difference. In cities with zones the air, where just certain cars are allowed to enter, were not better than in other cities. But it has cost every car owner between 5-10 EUR.

It seems we have not sunk enough money into your banks now a few trillion, whatever funny currency name you can think of, play field. What will happen if the temperature will still rais above the 2 -° C. Will they send out the army to kill a few CO2 emittenters? Maybe starting with animals but happily accepting a few dead men as collateral damage? So in the sense of “We have no choice?”

Inflating new bubbles

Unfortunately nothing was learned. As you may have registered the stock markets are going up. Well the suprise is not that large. There is so much funny mulitcolored paper available. Once it was known as curreny but it’s does not have any worth. So Gold is up over 80% in two years. And the stock have gained nearly as much. Currently you can even use this funny paper too buy houses for quite less of it. That bubble has burst around 2 years or so ago. Now the next bubble is raising, maybe it’s time to get rid of as much of this colorul paper as possible and take something no-one can raise artificially (at least not to a large extent). I propose investing in land. See that it’s fertile. The day will come where you’ll have to pay too much colorful paper to get full.

How it will come to that day. Well the argument of the deledefs and bureaucrats will be: “We had no choice…”

How much worth is your Euro?

Well in Germany we have one answer since yesterday. Ten years ago shares of ENBW were sold to the french government owned EBNF. That has cost them around 2.4 Billion Euro. Now the land Baden-Württemberg has bought back the shares. (nice side-note, the will publish a bond for that, and even nicer, it does not cost us tax payers anything) , the price. around 5 Billion. That is a raise of around 7% a year.. Now we know how stable our EUR is. Because it has not cost us anything we just need 7% raise of income every year to not loose anything. I’m just puzzling how many Germans were able to raise their wages from let’s say 3000 EUR to 6000 EUR….
Let us assume some really did manage it. Now at or around 36 000 EUR income a year one has to pay roughly 8000 EUR. For 72000 EUR roughly around: 23.281,74 Euro

Yes you might not know we have a just progressive income tax. So let’s be a little bit lazy. For having 36 000 income we need around 44 000 EUR a year for having 72000 we need at least 95 000 EUR. Anyway if you earn more than a littlle over 50000 EUR /year. you pay the highest possible tax. That are 42% + 5% (extra money for the German bailout of the GDR (now more than 20 years ago)) . However if you earn > 2700 netto month you are above average in Germany. So we’d be above average with the first number and you really have to search for those earning more > 95 000 EUR. But you know the Euro is stable. And we Germans are “richer” than ever….

So the question is who was able to get 51 000 EUR more income a year, and have earned 44 000 EUR ten years ago. For those of you, I have good news. The EUR was stable for you. All others, please let your member of parliament know that you have become poorer.

Wikileaks again

I’m quite delighted about the newest publishings, it shows, in what the US believes and what they strive for. Beeing the “super power”, and every other should be kept down. It seems that the US fortunately have quite a few dissatisfied workers. What’s interesting is the reaction of the traditional press. They write, it’s not something did not no before. Well may be but imagine this stuff would have been offered to some traditional news papers. What reaction would we have had then?

Now I’m really curious about the publishing of papers of some bank. Guess if you can see how they have betrayed their customers. It would be a pleasure to see them standing naked.

Ah well I’m quite “satisfied” that Wikileaks exists.

Newest EU attack on your purse

Just imagine all EU countries have collected more debts than ever in history. Greece has manipulated data to be part of this system. And what did we do we sanctioned their doing. Now imagine, I’m stealing your money, we go to court and you have to learn. Well yes I had all the rights to betray you. What would you think about such kind of system?

Now the Irish want to get another 85 Billion from us. It was one of the soundest systems before the governement decided to “fail” out their banks, I can not see who has put some pistol on their chest saying. “you must keep your banks afloat”. Well you know the argument “there was/is/willnever be a choice. That simply is a lie.

The money for Greece was illegal, there were (and btw. still are laws) which forbid this kind of “credits”. So the choice with Greek was. “Doing nothing”. The choice for the Irish government was “doing nothing”. And in both cases this would have been the better choice. It surely would have signaled to everyone. “you can earn as much money as you like, but you can loose as much as easily”. Now the signal is to every bank or corporation. “Grow as large as possible don’t put any considerations ons sustainability. If it comes bad, you can held a whole country as hostage.”.

What do you think would stop the death-spriral?

And here we go again

Not it’s Ireland. Who’s next?

The Fiat-money system strikes back again. So let’s burn some more money. It must help, someday if it does not yet, than the conclusion just can be: “We have not burned enough money”. Well first they burn books, then money, then people….

We just can hope that we burn the right people this time. If not well we have not tried hard enough let’s burn some more people. So let’s to got war….

After there are quite many killed, well maybe peace is not such a bad idea. Unfortunatly we have nothing to bear the costs of the bureaucrats. So let’s see who has survived and something of value left. Let’s them bleed through taxes, let’s give them some other colorful paper, and place the rest of armed forces in front of their houses to assure that governement will work. Then let’s take a few credits, let’s start burning money again….

GM an epic failure

Well either it’s me who’s not getting it or something is really weird. So let’s put some figures in here.
The IPO has reached around 24 Billion (sorry have not found better figures)
the government has spend 50 Billions on GM before and
around 100 Billion were “outsourced” to a bad GM “bank”.

Now if we assume the figures about the earnings are right, than we are talking about 3.5 Billion earnings.

Now let’s calculate
100 + 50 = 150
150 – 24(* 0.61) = 126 Billion losses left for the tax payer.

Let us assume GM would pay back 2.5 Billions each year than it would just take around 40 years to pay back
all the money from the government …

I can not see how this can be seen as a big success for the tax payers. So if anyone has another explanation, or can point out my miscalculations.

Please do so. Otherwise I’ve to conclude, the government is even a worse market player than one ever could imagine. I can just see one winner in here, the management of GM, I guess they will earn a few millions this year because of such a “successful” year.

Maybe it’s not just me. Just read the comments at:

Again a Failout Plan

Well they name it euphemistic “safety chute” and they simple ignore laws they themselves have decided.
Last year it was Greece, this year it’s going to be Ireland. Well the Irish have lived beyond any means and have obviously had a way too high
“growth” rate in the paste. However the most depressign figure is that that have new debts of nearly one third of their complete balance.

Now Europe will again throw out money, we do not have for problems based on too easy money. An examplary Ponzi Scheme this time the defrauders control themselves and will held every single European citizen as hostage.

I guess you can imagine how angry I am..


Economig knowledge a scarce thing?

I wonder who can follow:^UDN,^GSPC

Bernanke does the same as Greenspun had did, flooding the markets with money. Well let me ask if

How should one interprete the following sentence:
“This is monetary policy, not something vital to the future of the world, like, say, who gets kicked off “Dancing with the Stars.” ”

Irony? Sarcasm? Well, if you just read on you read this
“Since very few people in Washington have his back — Democrats distrust him because he was appointed by Bush, and Republicans distrust him because he was reappointed by Obama — the mean girls and guys feel free to lob spitballs at him every time he gets up to speak.”

You can see the author means this literally. It’s unbelivable that this should be true:
“Daniel Gross is economics editor at Yahoo! Finance.”

He does not get one thing straight. And even more unberable:
“Bernanke engaged in plenty of unorthodox activities — taking short-term interest rates to close to zero,”

Just imagine monetary policy is unimportant but in the same arguments he points out what Bernanke has all done. Well if that all is so unimportant why should Bernanke do anything? Why does he even write a sentence about Bernankes actions?

Monetary policy is important and the most important goal of any monetary policy must be to have stable money. he does not even think that, that this is important. So it’s as saying air is not imporant. I guess we should give him a few hours in a cheese cover. If he survives, than I admit my error. Air than is unimportant, if we have to get him out of the cover and he surives than he may have to admit that AIR is important.

More than one big inflation has shown, there are much more loosers than gainers. And it always has shown also. Those having done responsible will have to pay for he others, and a new round of blood-sucking starts. We are surely in a blood bath, and Bernanke has started it.

Well irony get’s a new meaning, this is what I found a Mr Greeenspun has to say:

Safe Investements?

It seems putting money on diverse coporations can hardly be seen as “safe” investment. GM will initiate another IPO, just with the advantage that given promises (pensions plans) are now guranteeed by the “governement”. And here in Germany we have sunk around 18 billons in the Commerzbank and there it’s unsure that tha intereste payments will be done. So much about the lies that we’ll get our money back…..

They simply do not get it.

The big troubles with our current “Politicians “is that they feel, that just given enough political influence all things will turn out good. This is a big mistake. The most urgent problem is to
give people confidence that they itself can manage their future. Currently they messages are only, if you trust us we’ll help you. Instead of. “Dear people, we’re sorry but some of you have messed up miserably. We see the problems but will refrain from anything about it, and we are sorry that we inflicted political guide lines on you which have turned out to be unsustainable.. We see our errors and will correct them, and stop putting “political correct” laws an you. We just will start looking for one but one thing. Stable money…..

This would be honest and “helpful”. But what they do is just saying. “Well we messed up and put you in misery, so give us more power to help you out this misery. surrender to us, we know what we’re doing”…..

Feel the difference. The base for the GFC is not too less political “messing-around”

Request to the Economics

It would be terrible nice to check out which country was the soundest before the GFC, during the GFC and how will recover most quickly.
And especially what the Keynisiens have to show to prove their points.
Here’s one comment about not beeing Kynesian

However this is far from true for Germany. However in comparison to Japan and US the helps was less. But far from “neglectable”.

What questions I’d like to see addressed.
– how are property rights and well-beeing connected. I have not doubt there is a relationship and this one must be very strong.
– how is stable money and well beeing connnected.

In both areas I’ve a strong opinion. I’d like to see it confirmed or not. Because if there is a relationship and if there is even a strong one. Then we surely can say
the Deledefs have not done well. Then we have to conclude. DESPITE the efforts of them….

But who will dare to challenge them. I bet no-one here in Germany, as you might know every professor is paid for by the governement. And so I strongly assume they do quite some cherry-picking. One of the most dreadful things which have come out of this can you see with the climate hysteria. Even in Germany just a handful professors have opposed the diverse bail-outs, and interstingly enough most of them were not active any longer. And you can see that in Germany the idea of stimulus is heard everywhere.

So who will dare to oppose the Deledefs, who will at least try to defend civil and even human rights. Indeed I say human right. There should be one human right which claims. “a base or human rights is a stable currency”. So we need property, freedom of contract and precious money. If we got that we probably could get along whith this superflouus bureaucrats and deledefs.

Money without worth no more?

Have you ever considered, why inflation is accepted as something inevitable? Well guess again, it’s not inevitable. Check out the diverse books form von Mises,
Hayek, Friedman and you can see why inflation is the every day robbery of those having control over the money. Even a simple line of deduction can tell you, inflation is
very gladful accepted by well you can say every politician. How comes? Well it devaluates the money. And so if the governements want credit, they issues some bonds. Some of them are very long running (up to 30 years). Now agreed they have to pay interest on it. But if we asssume an inflation rate of 2 % the value of the bond is nearly halfed in value after thos 30 years. So the other half was stolen. And remember you have to pay taxes on the interest also. So if we assume just 1/3 of tax on interest and have a nominal interest rate of 4%, and a “nominal” inflation rate of just 2% then the calculation is. You have to pay 1.2% of taxes on your intereste 2% is stolen from it so you are left with “astonishing” 0.8% “gain”. Well you can imagine how nice governements found this kind of stealing. They blame everything else for the inflation rate. But they want more an more credit. Saving in this context does not mean putting aside money, but issuing less credit than the normal BIP grows. This again ist simply a plain lie.

Inflation must not happen. Just imagine the following scenario.
– Reserves are not longer allowed (what does it mean?) Well if you have a reserve rate of 10% you just need 10 Currency Units to lend 100 Currency Units. And well a Bond on one side is an asset on the other side. The other banks lends’s another one the money and see money appears out of the nowhere. No imagine a 100% Reserver. That means you can not lend more than you really have. This is the “normal” situation for anyone not bank. If you own 1000 Currency Units you can not suddenly borrow 10000 Units. With such a “simple” approach, all the fuzz which has happened wouls simply vanish, and “too big! to fail can not happen. It’s really as simple as that but no one in the policits and especially the federal reserve banks won’t work on that simple solutions. They will insist on just another few layers of control. And well you can bet who has to pay for it.

– Now imagine a constant money supply. How can anyone get “richer”?. Well for that to see in front of you just check the IT industry. Since their beginnning they have to cope with falling prices. Now if the money supply is constant but the prices do fall everyone get’s richer one day after the other. This would be savers paradise. You know if you just keep your money, you’ll be richer tomorrow and this is reality. But no in the this system would stat it that clearly as long as they are “on duty”. Just see the remaks of Greenspun about gold backed money. Before his time, he was in it. After he get chef, he started printing money.
You may ask how can something grow beyond than? Well it’s “easy”, if something new comes along (like computers) people suddenly start buying these kind of things and are of course demaning less of anything else. And so even with a constant money supply growth can take place. It would be sustainable growth. This piling up of “securities” as we have seen it just “wishful-thinking” and unsustainable.

You could choose for a much better future of us all putting pressure on the politicians and bureaucrats. Just demand one thing. “stable money”. If you insist on it and will not get them along with ther lies, you won’t e held hostage for THEIR faults any more…. The only trouble with it is that we MUST comply, otherwise they send us someone along with a gun in his/her hand. Arguing in front of such is simply stupid, if you’re dead or locked away you can not “do anything” no more. And this is the most depressing news. Your own governement just is nothing more than a Kidnapper. If you do not believe me. Well try the following things. Don’t pay no tax anymore…., try to start digging for something of vale on your own ground, do not accept money issued by the governement no more but insist on anything else. Well you’d better be prepared of some stay on in of the “nice” prisons of your country. So fact is there is a layer you’ve to feed with any money you accept or spend. So if you buy anything for some currency units, you pay for those making your live difficult…. It’s perfect system of exploitation. And well they all live from your money….

what happens if failure is not an option any more?

I wonder, how can things work if failure is not option any more. Please tell me how could it be that a “bank”, too large to fail, is allowed to persist. Is it better to drive a whole country bankrupt? Just imaginge the following numbers 145 billions have been sunk into HRE, the saving of all Germans in 2009 should have been 189 Billions. That means nearly all our savings from (around 80 milliion people) have been burned. How sustainable do you think is that?

I’m afraid a big catostrophy is overdue. What do you think if let’s say DB and CB will get into deeper trouble. We simply can not affort it. So are politicians to be allowed to bring that much harm over us? Well in Germany there is oath to save the population for harm. But what do they do they drove us down the road to perdition. I’m really wondering if we can start fighting them, because they are working against or base law. (the “Grundgesetz”)

How is that different with the US. Isn’t Obama, and Bernanke harming the Americans over any before known bound?

Think about what it means that failure is not an optoin any more. What about responsibility than? There is no “too big” to fail. Even countries have failed and they will fall again in the not to distant future if they allow overtaking all corporations just because they are supposed “to big to fail”. Can you imagine the smash if the US will go down the drain? Just compare that to a failure of all the overtaken businesses. What will harm more people?

Introducing a new? scenario

Well it looks as if the diverse reserve banks like to start a degradation race. Simple and convincing idea. Well we just can out of this mess (we have encumbered) with exporting as much as we can. And well they did not say it yet, but are surely working on it. They want to raise the import barriers. They did not have learnt just the slighest things from the past. This was the road to the big world wars, and other global financial crises. How one can think that things having turned ot bad in the past suddenly start working automagically is beyond my understanding. And even if we wouldn’t have had the wors or other economic crises. If there is one but one road to poverty and dead, it’s hindering free trade.

But well if you live in deledefs land of plenty, everything is just a wish away…..

How does your country handel the GFC?

Well II wrote the troubles with the banks are named that way. The US wants to print out their way out of crises. And they really have an elegant way. The fed issues money and buys
bond from the governement. This is a circle which one can name a masterpiece of insustainability. Well in EU land till 6 or so months ago the only secure bonds which would have been accepted should have some A ranking. Now with Greece over the edge they accept greek bonds as securities. So well printing money does not mean that are is any congruent value. Because all our currencies are just “hot” air. It does not really matter if you’d spend 100 EUR notes or 10000 bond notes. Well it’s just some figure on paper and printing bigger notes is not difficult. See what Zimbabwe does and you clearly see the problems. They have somthing along a few billion dollar notes, but people are partly starving to death.

It’s because they give money no “value” and so “value” avoids them. It’s easy. Ruin ones’s currency is as secure a way to ruin a country as any kind of war.

So the US and EU are ignoring this. We will have to pay the price. If it comes to that, don’t say you havn’t been warned….

Simple but legendary

Well I do not know how many of you can associate Ludwig Erhardt with something. However a books published in 1957 and now in it’s eights or so edition. Still is
as actual and valid as before. The most prominent example:
“Price stability should be considered a base human right”

Why is that simple but legendary. Well money is the mean to freeze demands. If anyone just spends all he/she has, nothing is left for investing. So someone must
have act economical sound, such that he/she can afford not to spend all one’s money. Now this money is earned at a certain point in time. And in that certain point in time the money has it’s “original” value. Now what happens while prices are not stable? It’s simple work in the past is devalued. How? Well simple the if money looses half it’s value in let’s say 10 years. The original save has been betrayed. And look into the big inflations. You always will see the honest man living withing it’s bounds was betrayed. And especially in Germany who was responsible for this. Well in every war people should buy bonds, but this is just to make those keen on having war more or less happy. And well because they have the guns they do not argue about it they just make a law which demands that all the money has to be put into “war bonds”. Well they will be named differently probably. But it’s for stealing money of worth and living the creditors with the vague hope of economic recovery.

Well after war there is alway economic recovery but it’s not that the governements will ever pay back their debts. They will do currency cuts, deevaluate the old debts and isssue new worthless money. As long as they have the power to play with our values that way, any hope of improvements are vain. So how does your country handle price stability?

See what happens in hyperinflations. See how poor one can get if money is no longer worth anything. There is not better way to ruin any country but through ruining their money.

Now 60 years later this is still a simple truth. But it’s also legend.

SPD revealed

Ok, now it was states. The SPD strives for a “new economy” with much more influence of the governement. What “exiting” news. We can prepare ourselves to drive down the path of prosperity, honesty etc. It will be more important to get the proper jobs at the governement. Eh wait what was this story about Greece. To get a nice paid job you better have good political connections. So hurray, this is it. Greece is bankrup, let’s follow them.

And you remember the governement controlled HRE. Again you just have to work 1.5 years for it at the proper position (surely anyting below CEO is out of discussion for a merited old SPD guy/ (sorry don’t know the proper guy in feminine form) you can get a longlife retirement payment of just above 15000 EUR /month. Yes read that figure out loud, enjoy.

Germany is still a nice place for living, it would be much nicer without all those deledefs…

If you like money burnt

then I just have on advice to you. Ask for more political intervention. The examples on how efficiently money can be burned are legion.
Let’s see the biggest burning places for money in Germany.
1) budget for “social issues”
2) subsedies (well in EU land you get subsedies for nearly everything, so getting money is just knowing how to feed the bureaucrats with
proposals and you get such strange things like subsedies for ski lifts in Denmark (a country well known for it’s flatness)
3) EEG (this is a law which enforces the corporations which produce energy to buy currency from photovoltaics or other regenerataive sources, currently the price is around 10 ct /KWH but the companies have to pay astonishing 46,75 cents for energy feed in by PVS dating back to 2008. So the extra stuff are costs to be beared by every single consumer of currency. The last calculations tell that every work place in the PVS industry is subsedied with arounc 150 000 EUR. Which well is quite beyond every reason. However our politicians (sorry delebets) love this and sell it as a success story. Well yes it’s a success story of hybirs of them, but you know as much as me, that they live in an ivory tower. And nothing related to reality can touch them….
4) building oh, yes that are really nice burning places. One of the last most infamous examples Stuttgart 21 (a while railway station should be placed underground, you might thin oh fine let the DB do it. Where are you living. The DB is mostly governement contrrolled and one can not sink too much money in supporting this “clean” alternative. And so the costs have rissen from an initial 2.1 Billion! proposal to around 4.1 Billion in 2008 (which is the “last” barrier which allowed them to sign for starting the build) to estimats well beyond 10 Billions rumoured these days. (Last “serious” estimate was around 6.8 Billion.) So let’s see that nealy 5 times the initial “proposal” this was done around 15 years or so ago.
So the “inflation rate” is roughly 12,5 %. That is roughly 4 times as high as the “official” inflation rate.

Let as assume they really made it till 2019. Let us assume the inflation rate would stay at 12.5 %. Then the end price would be
(assumng 7 Bio as “middle estimate” ) 7 * 1.12 5** 9 = 20.20 billions.

The studies done by DB itself state that the build makes economic sense up to the price of roughly 4.8 billions.
“Für die Deutsche Bahn sei das Projekt bis zu Gesamtkosten von 4769 Mio. Euro wirtschaftlich.” (see: If you can read German just see the conditions for them beeing “economical sound”. If you do not care here’s but one figure for it: 1.3 Billons that’s the “costs” for the DB. Well I bet all the other costs have to be beared by evry single tax payer. Now tell me about a nice warm fire place. Get near our governement and you never will freeze again, you may get burned but well the wounds will be paid of by tax payers also eventuallly.

Sorry delebts is a weak name for such terrorists….

Politicians = actors?

in some bad or worse movies? Well we had once an ex-actor as President, but currently it seems we just have actors no politicians any more.
Sarkozy tries to hide away with all the bad things and corruptoin while mass-deporting Roma to Romania. Well so far so bad. But then
he claims he has spoken to our chancellor Merkle. But she does not know of anything. So one of them is lying. Because of other decisions of Sarkozy, my guess is that
it is him. Well sometimes other countries have even worse deledefs than we have. But the race is tight, I guess we’ll hit back very hard some time soon.

So stay tuned to the “wonderful” world of Deledefs, and you know this stories will be continued….

Yet another few billions

Well maybe you know the book with the title “the never ending story”. Well we have a political follow-up to it. It’s called
HRE. The German have sunk (officially around 100 Billions) into it from 2008 till yesterday. And suprise out of the blue another 40 billions are at stake.

That makes up an astonishing 140 billions for just one bank. Our whole budget is around
Einnahmen 2010: 239.600.000.000,00 (income)
Ausgaben 2010: 325.400.000.000,00 (expenses)
Defizit 2010: 85.800.000.000,00 (new debt)

Davon für Verteidigung 31,1 Mrd, Arbeit u Soziales (inklusive Zuschuss in die Rentenkasse) 146,8 Mrd, Schuldentilgung und Zinsen 40,4 Mrd.

So 2/3 of the whole income of 2010 was sunk into HRE till today.
And guess what the budget for work and “social stuff” is 146,8 Billions.

Let’s get it to down to more comprehensable figures. If you’d earn 3000 EUR/Month. 2000 of it would have to be spend on losses.

Welcome to deledefs land of plenty. Plenty of other peoples money…..

Parole is out

No it’s clear, the nuclear power plants should run 15 years longer. Well not really a suprise, but it’ gets a little off when you see, what extra costa are associated with it:
1) there will be a tax on nuclear fuel elements
2) it’s currently open if the big five (that’s thos who have live peacefully in an oligopole here for “providing electricity”) will have to “private found” research in renewable energies (isn’t it funny that
those supposed to provide electricity should not interested in any sort of electricity producing source?) If they won’t do they will have pay into something controlled by the governement (I guess you see the route ahead)

Still open are things like
1) liability (the GAA will just cost around 750 Millions that’s the cap we have here in Germany)
2) waste (since around 40 or so years they have not the slighest idea on where to put the waste)

Ah yes and it’s all in the name of the environment. I guess the costs as Tchernobyl has blown up are just “peanuts…

Funny enough it’s a modern way of selling of indulgence. The end of the nuclear plants were just drawn at around 30 years. (no technical reasons given), now they got 15 years more (no technical reasons) given, but the get extra taxed for earning money with depreciated plants. And so you can see governement makes laws, governement changes laws on the run. It’s just a question on how to bleed everyone as much as one can without killing.

Isn’t it that joyful?

It’s good that a few things exist

I count among them the Wikileaks. Not that I’ve used it intensivly, especially not about the war in Afghanistan. But it’s because journalism seems to
just write as the politicians do. I commented on one extreme example in my other blog (in German). But having wikileaks just shows how we get
lied to every day. All the big words about freedom and “serving” the population. It’s from nearly everyone just “hot air”. Just see the Obama speaks. And then see what
comes out of it in the end. People having lived in peace have to go to war,soldiers are sent out of their countries for what? The name it fighting for your freedom.
Reallly I’d like to know what the people of Afghanistan have done to threaten your freedom over there in the US or here in the EU. Just because a few fanatics are coming from there. Well how about the diverse criminals sitting in our jails? Strange enough one might ask, how comes that in comparison the US has the most criminals. Maybe the proper
place for fighting for your rights is there where you live?

I just want to remind you. Obama has limited your freedom by saying yes to the (b)failouts. Obamacare will get a synonym for constitutional inefficiency. But well he’ll live on a good pension and wil earn a few thousand dollars for speaking on big or not to big events. Anyway Wikileaks probably will point out where he has lied and betrayed you.

Hopefully this will make a difference….

Something worth to be thinking about

Won’t you agree, that politicians have a strange kind of understanding about what people can and can’t do? In Germany we learned after a
referendum about changes in the way schooling has to run. There are a few interesting twarts in Germany.
– home schooling is a a no-no (well one family has been granted asylum in the US because of political chase, because they did not wanted to let their children go
to school)
– another speciality of Germany is a just 4 years long primary school. In Hamburg the CDU/Greens wanted to have 6 years of primary school. They were voted down and lost this case.
The four years will be kept.

Ok, now what’s the point? After this election a discussion has started on how to handle such referendums. And on of the politicians just said (not just anyone but the Chief of the CDU) that
people can’t be trusted not to choose without emotions. Especially problematic areas should be security and finances. Well this just shows what they think about us. We are hardly able to choose every 4 years our Deledefs, but hey we surely can’t be trusted with other questions. They are too complex and we’re too emotional and therefor votes could be at random. Well in Germany the parties have way too much power and they get special “care” from the political system. They get something called money for votes. That will say every vote will be paid for xy cent for the party which has won this vote….

And therefor it’s clear we should not to anything to constrain the power of the parties. They are the only ones which probably do not decide emotional or whatever. Well this whatever is interesting, at first we have > 1.7 billions of debts, I feel you can’t see that as an success. And more intersting that are just the official debts, there must be quite more but this information is not given out. This money is put in dubious shadow budgets. Not official and well nobody knows them all, but the interests surely have to be paid for…..

The war in Afghanistan is very doubtful also. And most of us would not have send even one soldier down there. But those which are there are poorly equipped. Whoever has “enjoyed” his time in the German army knows what bureaucracy and beeing underfunded means. Just one example the motorcyled used by dispatch riders are 2 strokes (12.5 PS) and around 50 years or so old…, I guess the whole fleet of vehicls will be between 10-20 years old (on average). So again they send our our people to war and let them alone with equipment which is totally antiquated…

But hey they are the only ones with are able for founded votes…..

Gangster among themselves

This time it’s “his majesty” Sakozy. He has accepted illegal bribe money. However it was just illegal to that time as
he has been major of Paris, since then more than 3 years have gone. And after that bribe money is time-barred.

And even it it wasn’t it does not make Sarkozy sweat, he enjoys political supported diplomatic immunity. So the laws do not apply
to him and those of his kind. The only disadvantage is that people may get a little bit more disappointed from their politicians.

But that does not harm them reallly. If now 1 million or 1.2 millions of people don’t vote any longer. Who cares? Surely not the deledefs, if there will be
a vote of just the politicians themselves, they alway can claim to be “voted”.

It will get interesting to see what will happen do Sarkozy after his political “live”. I guess it will be much more pleasant to him.

And again I just can say. “The sooner those political gangster will vanish, the the rest of us”.

now we have the following cumulativeness.
legal, illegal, fu…. illegal, politics

My dislike for Obama has grown again

Well I was one of the few in 2008 which were writing against Obama. I had my reasons for that and I just mention a few things
– ObamaCare
– Tarp

Now there was one thing I thought he’d be doing better than anyone else before. Talking to other politicians. But he proofed me wrong.
It’s corporate America, than America an last and least Americas people. Just so much the US have started on a path of unsustainability.

Political decisions have forced the diverse banks to a fatal expanding of granted credits. The FED has fueled this with “100 dollars a dime”.

It’s interesting that the money was lend from all-over-the-world. So in fact everyone having bought an US bond has fueled this “rush”. People which have lived
within their bounds, we’re frowned upon. In fact they did everything right but then the politicians made them pay like crazy for gamblers.

Now we know this history. Now Obama does the following he starts to attack China and also Germany because of the status as world champion exporters. So in fact he now want that the Chinese and Germans buy like mad and follow the path to distruction. It’s also a fact that corporate America has out-sourced whole industries. America currently can not even produce computers. This ist done nearly 100% in China and Taiwan, there status as exporters is well neglectable, in comparison to their number of inhabitants. So what does the world buy from the US, first and foremost it’s software. They surely have an advantage here. Well Boeing is faring quite well also, and I guess americas exports of weapons will be might impressive. However they are not “free” in any way, they draw borders for everything, just see the decisions to not use planes from EADS (Airbus) and instead changing the rules of the “bidding” during it’s run. So everything is done and decided to mostly support the “biggest” gangsters sorry company CEOS….

So first goal is help corporate america, which then wil help americas politicians and last and least maybe the american people. So Obama has proofed over and over again, what he is. He is a politician for a small circle, this circle consists of the us politicians (sorry deledefs) and then a few big companies. That BP has make him “freak-out”, well how bad would it be to not have BP any longer but a “little” bigger Exxon or whatever other company there is.

And also remember the politicians have drawn a liability line of around 75 000 000 for environmental damages. So well you can see Exxon surly looks like “a darling of the US deledefs”. You might consider the implications of that…. See the decisions to support bankrupt and “more” than less corrupt banks. See how the Tarp money (just arouudn 750 billions) just have vanished like snow in the sun. Just see the sky-rocketing debts of “politiccal” america. Just see how the have “helped” GM, there is not one proof that Obama has decided to advance the really honorouble people. They just were taken a hostages, fair enougn the “new boston tea part” was established, I just can wish them all-the-best. The US must get rid of their current ruling circles….

Separation of powers the “political understanding”

Well strange things are happening in EU land. As you might know the political guidelines are initiated from
a commission of the EU. If I understand it correctly ministers of the diverse EU countries are part of this commission.
But this commision never ever was elected, in an open ballot. You’d might thing how does that work democracy and
“ruled by commisson” I think this is irreconcilable. And even worse this commison also are the only ones which can go to court for
their own decided rules. So we have the no separation at all. If I follow my doom or failure path. I’d say this gives
at least a – 90 (so our countries are doomed). Well it does not look all too bright for the EU countries.

Once we had politicans acting qute responsible, but I’m under the impresson this times have past. Is it really a “fact” that democracy turns into a
Ochlocracy sooner or later?

Well I’m under the impression that too much truth lays in that path. Just see how this “politicians” currently act. They decide on laws but do break them without
any qualms. And here in Germany many laws are decided which don’t apply to the politicians itself. E.g we have laws for healt insurance, but civil servant and therefor also
politicians are excluded. They get private health care. Now if the “rulers” rule with laws which do not apply to them. What else could be the result than more and more arbitrariness ?

I think it’s highest time to get rid of this “rat pack”….