Schlagwort-Archive: USA

Kurzkommentar “Wahl”

Sack in den USA umgefallen. Was darf man als Europäer erwarten? Nichts. Was darf man als US-Amerikaner erwarten: Statt eines demokratischen Henkers tut es erst mal wieder ein republikanischer. Nächste Präsidentenwahl? Nicht automatisch wird es ein Republikaner werden. Aber auch das bleibt die Frage. Was soll’s?

Das einzige etwas amüsierende: Die Zeitungen sprechen davon als wäre eine Weltwunder geschehen. Meine einziger Kommentar zu diesem “Hype” – was soll’s….

Zwischen den Mahlsteinen

wie wohl schon öfter. Man kann wohl durchaus sagen: Das Schicksal der Liberalen und Libertären.
Ich glaube keiner von Ihnen ist nicht über die diversen Foren gestolpert mit dem ukrainischen Bürgerkrieg.
Und nirgendwo wird derzeit einer härtere Wortauswahl benutzt. Threads über dieses Thema ziehen einen Rattenschwanz an Kommentaren nach sich:
Aktuelle Beispiele:

Das für mich schrecklichste daran ist wie auf einmal es kein liberal mehr gibt sondern nur noch: Wer nicht für uns ist, ist gegen uns. Tenor bei sonst auch kritischen Blogs wie Ortner, Unterberger, FreieWelt “man” muß Putin stoppen.

Wie oft habe ich schon ausgeführt, daß ich Putin nicht traue. Nur stehen ihm da die westlichen Politiker nicht nach. Wir wurden und werden seit Jahren betrogen, belogen und kriminialisiert. Einen prinzipiellen Unterschied kann ich zwischen dem was uns unsere Regierungen antun und was Putin darstellt nicht erkennen.

Es sind doch nur Nuancen. Aber keine grauen sondern nur diverse schwarze Farben oder rote oder welche Farben Krieg so hat. Meine Wahrscheinlichkeiten gleich zu Beginn mit dem Abschuß, stehen wie ich finde etwa hervor. Und bis heute wissen wir nur eins: Das Flugzeug ist nicht verunglückt sondern abgeschossen worden. Alles andere ist bisher nicht in die Öffentlichkeit gedrungen. Es zeigt sich nur eins der erste Verlierer ist immer die Wahrheit. Ich glaube weder an die Unschuld Putins noch die Unschuld des Westens. Ich sehe die Taten des Westens und ich habe nicht die Verbrechen der UdSSR vergessen.

Putin ist genauso legal an die Macht gekommen wie Hitler oder auch Obama oder auch Merkel. Hier sehe ich das grundlegende Problem. Das sind alles “demokratisch Legitimierte” Ausbeuter und Unterdrücker. Egal ob im Osten oder Westen. Gegen beide bin ich eingestellt. Weder haben die Russen eine Wahl noch wir Deutschen oder die Amerikaner. Freiheit gibt es in keinem der Länder und schon gar nicht die Freiheit bei dem Wahnsinn nicht mitgefangen und im Ende mitgehangen zu werden.

Ich sage es noch mal ganz klar. Für mich sollen ALLE Regierungen zur Hölle fahren und damit befinde ich mich eben zwischen den Mahlsteinen. Es wird mich eher zerreiben als die Hetzer in den Regierungen auf allen Seiten. Insgesamt kann ich nur sagen: Herrschaft stinkt.

Well countered

Christian Lies

Indeed solidiers do not fight for the “nation”. They are there to do the dirty work for the current leaders. It’s especially disturbing if christians idolize man/women which are the to murder.

It’s of course ok to defend yourself. But any soldier outside the US does not defend anything from his own country. He’s just there to supress and kill others. Never ever should the US citizens have allowed to bring their soldiers out of the USA. Even the world wars are not exception. Americans were not under thread and if they really would have done something good, they would have helped the haunted of the nazi regime. Well I guess something has been done, but that surely could have been much more.

The idea that the USA fights for “civil rights” world-wide is a kind of sarcastic joke.

Well the answer is:


That’s what the US and EU have on their mind to keep the Ukraine togehter and of course, the people living down there have no “rights” to decide differently.

Tell me, how comes that secession is not allowed, tell me why aren’t their two USAs? What would be the terrible problem to have SUS and NUS? Was it worth to devastate regions and murder a few hundred thousands? What’s it with this incredible cruelty of states? How comes that nothing has killed more people then states and how comes that people still want to vegetate in states. How comes that hardly anyone sees what states are. They are just constructs of violence in the end it’s just. You obey our rules or we will kill you. That’s the core of laws and what happens of you do not “follow” them.

Anyway the great news is. If you are at the top you can break any law, start new wars and you can decide to criminalize everyone. There are two of the most stupid wars ever: war against drugs and war against terrorism.

And not to forget the war against alcohol which have laid the foundation for the Mafia, well maybe it was also part of the foundation of the fascist socialists, or “just socialists” USA – who knows….

Ah well this fits so well: States the base of murderers.

Unfortunately but true

The way into debt is the way into death.

We’re seeing it more and more in a growing number of countries. The debt mountains are very high and not bearable. So they must be “written down”. Those who have accumulated the debt do everything to get new debts. And they do accept every harm for anyone else. Currently it’s still peaceful, (besided the wars all over the world) but those are limited compared to the last World-War.

But will it be peaceful if states and large banks begin to fail? What will happen to the debts of the US, the EU countries, China, Japan? You can see the level of violence raises in countries near a default. Just look at Argentina, Bolivia, or why not Ukraine?

There’s still the on-going civil war in Syria, which well is not discusses very much any more. Now it’s the “coming”? crimean war. The point still is, they all have consumed too much in too short a time. And so they are desparatly in need for new financing sources. And well at the end of an imperium, usually stands war…

Will it be different this time?

Well look back over this blog

I warned you over an over again. The Austrians warned before the world war two. But it happens over and over again states are paradises for thieves, but it just gets along some time. And you will loose eventually. Nothing will change that now it’s Argentina again:

It’s as usual. The government promises can’t be kept. There is not enough of anything to fullfill this lies. And as you can see before there is an extreme expanson of government spending. Which of course is just driven be debts. The endless blog entries on Zerohedge are “im”(de)pressing type in Argentina

I warned you in 2011 what will come along and it’s starting. Not in the US or EU (currently) but the states farther down the path to destruction. See what I warned you for and what I propose to do about it for yourself. I needed 5 years to get all the things properly “set-up”. I hope it was enough, and I hope also I will get out of here before the next war comes….

You have been warned

Look for keep this in record in this Blog. I warned everyone who was willing to read. You even did not have to buy an expensive book to get that message. Just a computer somewhere internet access and some search for Obama.

You did not want to hear, now you suffer from you own decisions. That’s fair for those having voted for Obama. Well it’s hell on earth to everyone else.

Anyway you still do not give up on your “politicians”, you still vote for them over and over again in the end you do legitimate everything which is now done in whatevers name. Be it fight against poverty, terrorism or whatever. It always comes down to one simple thing: “Less freedeom every hour of the day”. And you like it that way. You still allow the NSA around I’ve not heard from any complaint at the supreme court. You do still let your solidery wander around and kill be it on site or even worse from the distance.

Stop your politicians and get back your freedeom. Drop the stupid FED and their “funny” money and go back to the time where having debts was a shame. If you do not do so, you deserve every hardship that comes along.

In the end there’s the fasicists/socialists “solution”

I warned over and over again. Still to no good as it seems.
I warned that in the end empires usually end in disaster of wars. And it might be that it’s the same this time. There’s war in the air between China/Japan and therefor sooner or later also the USA. They all are fallen empires. Agreed they still are around but just walking corpses. China may look best on first sight, but the things I know about it speak differently. If you burry money in ghost towns something clearly is wrong.

Everyone but the politician know that Japan and the USA are bankrupt. No one ever got rich by collecting debts and nobody ever got rich by just printing money. Money printing is the “hallmark” of political losers. They can’t win this argument and so they do everything to distract from their crimes. But to no good at all.

Here we go
Japan prepares for war:
USA gives up whole cities:

America is not the land of the free any more, it’s politicians and bureaucrats are running wild and they do all they can, just leave devastation behind. Still the USA do have one advantage, the citizens can still wear, buy and have weapons. If they would not the state would have nothing to fear. But in that way, they are heading for a new civil war, I don’t think that the state can make it against most of it’s people. Anyway, it will get bloody, and that is my biggest fear. They to no go under in silence, but massive slaughter.

The old liberals have warned over and over again, don’t go down this way. But to no good, the fascists always got the upper hand in the end and freedom just get’s a chance after the horrible end of such end of fascists/socialist countries.


what the do with OPM
“This “investment” will cost $1.6 billion, and that’s just to build housing for the marines. If previous government “projected costs” are anything to go by, this expense will likely balloon. One does have to wonder how barracks for 2,500 marines can possibly cost $1.6 billion (for those without a calculator handy, that’s $640,000 PER MARINE!). I hope those are damn nice barracks Mr. Obama! Oh, you poor US taxpayers. When is enough going to be enough?”


I can not express my distaste for Obama in any words I know in english.

About the US-Shutdown

Now in short you can read about it at zerohedge at:

“The irresponsibility of the governments that have done nothing but spend since Ronald Reagan jacked in acting to play the role of President of the USA, there has been nothing but a successive line of Presidents that have been playing a role-game for the entire country. It’s about time that all that changed.”

And this spending was so easy because the US dropped money for IOYs. Is it time for a change? Well it is beyond high time, but the system still has the weopons ans still the support of most of the population. So it will go in, till it really breaks. I doubt there will be any president wise enought to initiate the bust, I’m also afraid the next chief of the central bank will print even more money. And we all know how that ends….

Let me have a look


And cha cha cha.

This is not even entertaining, it’s just the pure blank pain and hate I can fell for the US-congress. They are not even Jokes of Politicians but caricatures. It’s a collection of such loosers that it simple does hurt.

So who wants to believe the deibt ceiling will not be risen? Anyone?

Watch and learn

you american politicians. You’re short on morality, and short on money? Well I can’t help with the morality stuff but I can with the money stuff.

Watch what the EC (finance) debt ministers have done. It’s so easy just steal from the bank account holders. You maybe have 17 Trillions of debts, but don’t be afraid. I’m sure the Americans have much more in their accounts.

So do it as the Europeans. Just with 10-20% of stealing you get rid of all the debts you have. And the circle of new debts can start again.

So feel free to watch and learn

Do you really think you’re better of?

Dear US citizens, do you really think that?

Well ask you in honesty what Obama has done the last few years? Is there anything better than before?

Aren’t you still printing money as mad and don’t your Helicopter Bend thinks, he can print the US out of the misery?

Aren’t your soldiers still killed world-wide? And don’t your government put you all under terrorism suspicion?

I just can see you’re going the way of serfdom. So do you feel that is better than what happened here in Euroland?

Well for an out/insider it should get more obvious. You’re doomed as we are. It’s just a matter of intellectual curiosity who will win the race to doom.

God shows sometimes mercy, but the fiat-money gods bureaucrats won’t. I can assure you bureaucrats are best at killing. We learned that in Germany, and your prisoners in Guantanamo learn if from your “unusual questioning methods”. Bureaucrats love to fulfill their given duties, especially harming others is high up on the “I like” ranking.

You as we are rapped and robbed every day. Just have a look at “what has government done to our money” and then compare your money do ours. Is there any difference? No it’s money just because the government declares it to be money and threatens everybody with jail if one does not accept their notion of money. You are so fucked, up. As we are, yes both blocks are just marching deads. Land of the free? Well no….

Other races to the bottom

Well one might think some countries may learn from their own but also from other’s countries faults. I guess I’m again very mistaken about it.
As I wrote before it’s obvious that the USA, Eurozone, Japan and China are racing to the bottom. One may ask why I include China the “big grower”. Well very easy
I say bubbles. And in China the bubble with houses are obvious. It’s not yet the case that every Chinese can buy for 1000€/m-² or whatever the price is.
But it does not matter they have planned and build cities our in the nowhere an hardly anyone has settled there. So that’s a classical malinvestement.

Last but not least Chins is a socialistic dictatorship. The PARTY is capable of nearly everything (as long as the party members are covered by their companions) I guess it would be very interesting to see how wealthy the member of the party are. I bet 1000:1 they are all much “richer” than the average Chinese worker. Every other outcome would be a big surprise

But I do not want to write about the stupidities of the developed countries. But the stupidity of socialists world wide. As you know Argentina has defaulted some 15 or so years ago. And now they start expropriating the “oil companies”. Well the promises they made before the votes have cost dearly and Inflation is a serious problem to anyone living there. But hey it’s not the actions to kill the market, it’s the speculators stupid. Argentina has wiped our the middle class after that default. And now they want to wipe out the lower middle class also. So yes they have not learned the smallest think, neither from their own faults nor the money printing faults of other countries. So you can count in Argentina on the race to the bottom. I guess they will take the pace sooner than later.

The other stupid countries are Bolivia and Venezuela. In every country the socialists are at work and you can see it everywhere. Expropriation every where. Stealing from the people with high inflation and wiping out the small wealth the people have accumulated. So they will go down also. That’s so fucking stupid and sad….

The US could do us all a favour

but well I guess who who think they will “shutdown” will be disapoointed. They will raise the limit and may it be a few just a few days in August.

They will swear the wildest oats that “this time everything is different” and they will “save money”. Guess what the charade will go on and in a few months years we’ll be exactly where we are
now. We’ll hear things like “But we do have saved, despite the fact that the expenses stil are higher than before” Their saving will also mean generating more income in one or the other way (just think about taxes).

So the favour they could do is stopping this lies. There is not “real” discussion. There is no “real” will to cut down expenses. Even if there were the ever increasing social transfer payments will just show. “It’s you rmoney we’re burning stupid.

Anyway as American I would really felt attacked on my honor. Do they really believe anyone believes what they say? Does they really know not most of them would despise them if they possibly could. Hundreds of thousands of laws all in the name of justice just can hide the fact that there’s but one thing in common in them. “Stealing freedom” and criminalize the own population. See the Minnessota shutdown, one need a licence so “sell” alcohol and because government does not work they are on their way getting illegal.

Liars, give us a break and do not prevent that you do anything good to use. This favour is not asked too much.

Times they change

Dear Reader you probably know why the NATO is in Afghanistan?

Well it’s to fight terrorism. We know the worst we can imagine is that the Taliban will rule again.

Feel free to check
And there we can read:
“. The US viewed the conflict in Afghanistan as an integral Cold War struggle, and the CIA provided assistance to anti-Soviet forces through the Pakistani intelligence services, in a program called Operation Cyclone.[72][73]”

The following page is cited also:

Now think about it. The Criminal Intelligency Agency was authorised be the president of the United state to “handle” that stuff. Well how would you name something like supporting war in without beeing involved officially. The CIA works outside any limits, I guess the way things work is the president says something. the CIA hears and start acting. They can so without much control from any parliament, They even can gather their own finaces with illegal transactions (e.g selling drugs) So the US fights drugs at the US/Mexican border but the CIA is free to just ignore that. Feel free to fetch the Book “Liberty defined” by Ron Paul.

Now if you bee a soldier down in Afghanistan. Guess what you are fighting someone who was financed and supported by your own government, You feel that “thrill”?

The state never was the solution to any problem and you can see it’s getting worse the bigger the state gets. In the end one really can day ” you got what you’ve paid for…” Big government -> big injustice and -> a terrifying large number of casualties.

Lybia and Syria

Well “nice” to see if two do the same it’s not the same.

Ghadaffi kills his population and all but a few come with planes and bombs.

Assad kills his population and it’s not even mentioned.

I wonder what will happen if the population will walk the streets in Germany and USA. Maybe in Germany we start another war for “freeing” the poor population?

One can not believe this. The most important thing yesterday has been some totally unimportant wedding but the killing of a few dozens or even hundreds. Who cares?

Reputation of the Fed

Well I just can conclude it sinks faster than ever for me.

Now they want to stick to their program of printing money. And well if you have savings you got robbed day by day, monthy by month year by year. The inflation raises (just remember: And more an more of them are getting real

We’re not yet in the common over 4% inflation rate, but just in a few areas. The politicians start blaming whomever for “unfairness”. Especially unfair are those more successfull ones. Subsedies are paid
but do not yield the proper cash-flow. And the large corporations do whatever they can to not pay taxes (I wished everyone could afford the tax specialists of this corporations). And so the government does not get any earnings and starts printing money. With the “circle of “money””. The government issues bonds, the feds buys this bonds and the new money is spend in anything having some worse. Inflation raises and so on.

I doubt that ever in history a failure of a world champion has happened in such short time. In just 3 years the USA turns from a free system in a government controlled nightmare. They overextend their means and are now paying dearly, but currently the deledefs lovers “gain”. And I’d not be suprised to see more of them buying land. I bet they are preparing for the after-crash. And then they will claim themselves to be the “true” americans. The question is are thieves the “true” americans or aren’t they?

Maybe not all is lost at least some states remember what value means. And maybe this will save them. We just have to wait and see what the bureaucrats in washington and everywhere will do….

Be cautious

whom you choose as friend. If this “friend” is named USA, you may get knee deep into trouble sooner than later.

30 years Mubarak was the “fighter” for the interests of the USA. Now a few days ago, they demanded him to step back. And even more “funny”
it is rumoured they had “plans” for the after-Mubark time. I wasn’t aware that Egypts is the 51 state of the USA. But hey what am I, just a stupid liberal….

Simple but legendary

Well I do not know how many of you can associate Ludwig Erhardt with something. However a books published in 1957 and now in it’s eights or so edition. Still is
as actual and valid as before. The most prominent example:
“Price stability should be considered a base human right”

Why is that simple but legendary. Well money is the mean to freeze demands. If anyone just spends all he/she has, nothing is left for investing. So someone must
have act economical sound, such that he/she can afford not to spend all one’s money. Now this money is earned at a certain point in time. And in that certain point in time the money has it’s “original” value. Now what happens while prices are not stable? It’s simple work in the past is devalued. How? Well simple the if money looses half it’s value in let’s say 10 years. The original save has been betrayed. And look into the big inflations. You always will see the honest man living withing it’s bounds was betrayed. And especially in Germany who was responsible for this. Well in every war people should buy bonds, but this is just to make those keen on having war more or less happy. And well because they have the guns they do not argue about it they just make a law which demands that all the money has to be put into “war bonds”. Well they will be named differently probably. But it’s for stealing money of worth and living the creditors with the vague hope of economic recovery.

Well after war there is alway economic recovery but it’s not that the governements will ever pay back their debts. They will do currency cuts, deevaluate the old debts and isssue new worthless money. As long as they have the power to play with our values that way, any hope of improvements are vain. So how does your country handle price stability?

See what happens in hyperinflations. See how poor one can get if money is no longer worth anything. There is not better way to ruin any country but through ruining their money.

Now 60 years later this is still a simple truth. But it’s also legend.

My dislike for Obama has grown again

Well I was one of the few in 2008 which were writing against Obama. I had my reasons for that and I just mention a few things
– ObamaCare
– Tarp

Now there was one thing I thought he’d be doing better than anyone else before. Talking to other politicians. But he proofed me wrong.
It’s corporate America, than America an last and least Americas people. Just so much the US have started on a path of unsustainability.

Political decisions have forced the diverse banks to a fatal expanding of granted credits. The FED has fueled this with “100 dollars a dime”.

It’s interesting that the money was lend from all-over-the-world. So in fact everyone having bought an US bond has fueled this “rush”. People which have lived
within their bounds, we’re frowned upon. In fact they did everything right but then the politicians made them pay like crazy for gamblers.

Now we know this history. Now Obama does the following he starts to attack China and also Germany because of the status as world champion exporters. So in fact he now want that the Chinese and Germans buy like mad and follow the path to distruction. It’s also a fact that corporate America has out-sourced whole industries. America currently can not even produce computers. This ist done nearly 100% in China and Taiwan, there status as exporters is well neglectable, in comparison to their number of inhabitants. So what does the world buy from the US, first and foremost it’s software. They surely have an advantage here. Well Boeing is faring quite well also, and I guess americas exports of weapons will be might impressive. However they are not “free” in any way, they draw borders for everything, just see the decisions to not use planes from EADS (Airbus) and instead changing the rules of the “bidding” during it’s run. So everything is done and decided to mostly support the “biggest” gangsters sorry company CEOS….

So first goal is help corporate america, which then wil help americas politicians and last and least maybe the american people. So Obama has proofed over and over again, what he is. He is a politician for a small circle, this circle consists of the us politicians (sorry deledefs) and then a few big companies. That BP has make him “freak-out”, well how bad would it be to not have BP any longer but a “little” bigger Exxon or whatever other company there is.

And also remember the politicians have drawn a liability line of around 75 000 000 for environmental damages. So well you can see Exxon surly looks like “a darling of the US deledefs”. You might consider the implications of that…. See the decisions to support bankrupt and “more” than less corrupt banks. See how the Tarp money (just arouudn 750 billions) just have vanished like snow in the sun. Just see the sky-rocketing debts of “politiccal” america. Just see how the have “helped” GM, there is not one proof that Obama has decided to advance the really honorouble people. They just were taken a hostages, fair enougn the “new boston tea part” was established, I just can wish them all-the-best. The US must get rid of their current ruling circles….